Chapter Two

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It was the next day. After Sean left, he went straight to bed. It might have been a little bit early, but he was happy, and being happy tired him out.

When he woke up, it was nine in the morning. That was the earliest he'd woken up in a while.

He went to his kitchen and made scrambled eggs for himself. He poured himself a glass of milk to go along with it.

When the eggs were done cooking, he went to the table and ate while he scrolled through a social media website.

He was expecting a text from Sparrow. He hadn't gotten one yet, and was worried that she wouldn't contact him at all. He was becoming extremely stressed and worried, then he remembered that her contact was already in his phone. He was the one that needed to text her!

Sean: Hey, Sparrow! I'm so sorry I didn't text you sooner! I got it mixed up and I thought I gave you my number to text!

Sean got a response quicker than he was expecting.

Sparrow: Hey! That's okay :3 I was worried that something happened!

Sean let out a sigh of relief, happy that Sparrow had given him the correct number.

When Sean didn't text back, about five minutes later, Sparrow sent him another text.

Sparrow: Hey, would it be alright if we maybe hung out? I was gonna hang with Meadow but she ditched me to be with Dax :|

Sean: Sure. Here's my address: [inserts random address here].

Sean was excited for Sparrow to come over. He really, really liked her and wanted to be really good friends with her. Maybe even something more.

Sparrow: Alright! I'll see you in a bit. I actually don't live too far away from your neighborhood, so I'll probably only be about ten or fifteen minutes. Byeee :) xx

And those were the slowest fifteen minutes of Sean's life as it felt.

When Sparrow (finally) arrived, Sean hugged her the second he saw her.

She hugged back, then pulled away.

"So," Sean said, "What do you want to do?"

"I brought movies," She said, slinging a small backpack off of her shoulders.

"Alright," Sean smiled, "Come on in!"

He let Sparrow in and gave her a "tour" around his home.

Sean popped some popcorn and they made a weak attempt at a fort, then put on a movie that happened to be both of their favorites.

"I frickin' hate when Meadow does this to me. I would've been bored out of my mind if we hadn't met," Sparrow said, "Thanks for letting me come over, Sean. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem," Sean smiled, "I'm actually glad you asked to come over. I would've been bored out of my mind."

"Maybe it's destiny that we met?" She asked, inching closer to him.

"Maybe it is," He smiled, his eyes beginning to close.

They got closer, and closer, and then their lips collided.

It was an awkward first kiss, and they pulled away almost immediately.

"S-Sorry," Sparrow said, taking a handful of popcorn and directing her attention to the movie.

Sean scratched the back of his head and did the same until the movie was over.

After the movie ended, Sean got up and took it out of the DVD player.

"What next?" He asked.

"How about..." Sparrow thought, "Benjamin Button?"

"Sounds good to me," Sean shrugged.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for what happened. I have no excuse for that and I don't want our friendship to be awkward," Sparrow said.

"It's alright," Sean chuckled, "I don't want our friendship to be awkward either, so let's just pretend that nothing happened between us."

"Thank you," Sparrow stood up and hugged Sean.

Then Sean put the movie in and pressed play.

He started the movie and he and Sparrow sat together while watching.


Before they knew it, it was nearly seven thirty at night.

They'd spent the whole day watching movies together and talking. They were planning on hanging out with Dax and Meadow in about three days.

Soon, Sparrow was about to leave.

"Stay the night?" Sean asked.

She eventually obliged and said it sounded like fun.

Sean changed into his pajamas in the other room, and gave Sparrow a shirt and some boxer shorts to borrow for the night.

They put in a Disney movie and lay together on the ground.

The movie was just for background noise as they randomly talked about life.

"But how is there any way to define 3D glasses and how they work? How do eyes even work? How are we able to see? What even is seeing?" Sparrow randomly asked into the air.

Sean laughed, "Why so many questions?"

Sparrow rolled on her side to look at Sean, "When it's late I just get super philosophical and ask questions about life that I don't understand."

"I understand," Sean laughed again, looking at her as well, "How does life exist? How are mirrors accurate? What if cameras and mirrors are just the way I see myself? What if someone sees me as a completely different person? Physically, I mean."

"Now who's the one asking questions?" Sparrow mocked, laughing.

"Oh go fuck off," Sean laughed.

"I would, but you're here, so it'd just be awkward," She joked, rolling back so she was laying on her back.

"You know, I'm really happy that we met," Sean said after a while.

"So am I," Sparrow said.

"I can't believe how good of friends we already are," Sean said.

"I know," She agreed.

"I'm so happy you're in my life right now."

/a/n Wassup, my flibbity pibbities?

I'm staying with it.

If you liked this chapter, punch that vote button in the face like a boss! And as always, I will see you, in the next chapter!

Bye-bye! :)

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