Chapter Eight

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The next day was worse. Sparrow was ignoring the poor Irishman for reasons he didn't understand.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Sean eventually asked.

"I don't know," She said, "Maybe it was wrong for us to even get together."

"No," He said, "Please. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too," Sparrow looked down at her fidgeting hands.

"Sparrow, I love you."

"I love you too," She replied, "But this isn't going to work out. At least not right now."

He gave her a look before going away. He went into his bedroom and locked the door, going under his covers and crying.

He wanted to hurt himself again. But he promised Sparrow. Those promises couldn't be broken. He wouldn't allow them to break.

He wanted to give up and jump out of his window. He wanted to die.

He absolutely despised himself. He couldn't even look at his reflection in the mirror anymore. He thought he was ugly.

The only thing about him that was ugly, was his view of himself.

His thoughts continued to buzz around in his mind until he convinced himself that no one would miss him, and the only person that ever loved him was Reyna, and she was gone. She was gone and wouldn't come back. She'd never be introduced to his life again. He knew that now.

He left his room and tried sneaking across the hall to the bathroom, but Sparrow was on the stairs and heard his steps.

She sprinted up the stairs and put her foot in the door of the bathroom before he could close it all the way.

"No!" She screamed, pushing her way into the bathroom as he struggled to open a bottle of sleeping pills.

"I can't open it!" He yelled as she grabbed it away from him, the pills flying everywhere as the cap flew off, "No! Give them back!" He sobbed out, falling to the ground and attempting to grab the tablets off of the ground.

Sparrow held back his arms. Both of them were sobbing.

"I wanna die," Sean cried out softly, "Let me go. You don't care."

"If I didn't care I wouldn't be holding you right now," She said.

"If you cared you'd let me die."

"I guess I just care too much then," Sparrow said.

"Let me die," He said softly, "Please."

"No," She answered, "I'm not letting you kill yourself. You're my best friend in the entire world. I can't lose you. Death has taken too many of my loved ones. I love you so much, Sean. Please don't leave me."

"I don't want to leave you, but I want to leave this world," He said, "I just don't see the point anymore."

"I believe in you, Sean," Sparrow said, "You just have to believe in yourself too."

"But I can't," He said, "It's hard."

"Just because it might be the most difficult thing in the world doesn't mean it's impossible. You can make it out of this."

"Are you sure?" Sean asked, the slightest bit hopeful.

"I'm sure that I'm sure," She nodded.

"Can you lay with me?" He begged, "Please..?"

"Sure," She replied, helping Sean up off of the floor.

They went over to Sean's bedroom and lay together.

"I love you, Sparrow."

"I love you too, Sean," Sparrow replied.

"Then why did you leave me?" He asked.

"I don't know," She said, "I guess I was just scared."

"Scared?" He was befuddled.

"That you were uncomfortable with our relationship," She managed to shrug in their cuddling position, "That you would hurt yourself more. But my actions caused you to. I'm such an idiot."

"What hurt the most was you saying you still loved me but you ended it anyway," Sean said, rather sadly.

"I-I... I'm so sorry, Sean."

"It broke me," He looked up at her then, "Broke me more than I've ever been broken. I-It's like I couldn't breathe, l-like I was drowning... suffocating even. It hurt so much, Sparrow. It hurt so much. I love you so much, but then you broke my heart into a million pieces. I don't know anymore..."

"I'm sorry!" Sparrow said loudly, standing up, "Why can't you just forgive me?!"

"I almost killed myself!" He screamed, standing up with her, tears steaming down his face at a fast rate.

"I know!" She screamed back, "If I had gotten there just a minute after I did, you would've been dead, or well on your way to being gone, and it would've been my fault."

"It would've been my fault, Sparrow. Not yours."

"You've practically been blaming me for everything, though!"

"No I wasn't!" Sean cried out, "I was saying how much it destroyed me! I fucking love you."

Sparrow was at a loss for words, but before she could manage any sort of a response, Sean went to her and smashed his lips against her own.

She tried struggling away at first, but couldn't help but stay there as the kiss continued.

Sean stopped the kiss by pulling their mouths apart, but not taking them away from each other completely by pressing their foreheads together.

"Please," Sean began, "Please be with me again, and don't leave me..."

"Okay," Sparrow agreed to their newly reformed relationship.

"Promise you'll never leave me," Sean pulled away from her and put out his pinkie finger.

Sparrow interlocked her pinkie with his and looked at him directly in the eyes, "I promise."

/a/n Wassup, my flibbity pibbities?

This chapter was a bit longer than the others, so you're welcome I guess ;D

Yeah... I don't really have anything else to say...

so bye

-Emily ;3

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