Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sid's POV

I didn't know what to say, my eyes were glued to the screen. Was Drew asking me out? I never thought that a handsome guy would ever ask me out on a date. I could feel Drew's eyes gazing at me which was making me feel uncomfortable. Should I go out with him? I mean Stark moved on right? Yeah! He moved on so I can most definitely move on! I turned my head and looked at Drew who was holding a scared expression. Did he think that I was going to reject him? I handed him his phone, he took it with a glum look.

"Yes, I will go on a date with you." I answered; his head snapped up in a second and turned to look at me with victory. His frown immediately turned upside down. He began typing away on his blackberry with grin plastered on his pale face. He eagerly handed me his phone.

"I promise you won't regret it." I read out aloud with a smile forming on my face. Drew smiled kindly at me and then drove down the road. There were many cars ahead of us due to the huge crash. I wonder where he is going to take me. I mean I've never been on a date before but I've seen in movies that they usually go to the movies or something. I couldn't help but feel nervous. If Drew and I ever did work out, will I be happy? Will I forget about my real mate? I wonder...does Drew ever think about his mate? Does he still love her? I started to feel uncomfortable; I didn't want to think about that especially not now. The car drove over a bump which caught my attention; I glanced out the window to see we were on a dirt road.

"Drew?" I called still looking out the window; I turned slowly to look at my date who was grinning at me. I pointed to the window awkwardly with a puzzled look on my face. "Where the hell are we going?" I asked glancing at the window then at him. Drew held his index finger out telling me to wait a minute. I nodded still looking out the window. We were passing a large farm that was filled with many barn animals. I saw beautiful horses standing around and I also goats in many colors. Was he taking me to a farm or something?

Drew took a left which also turned out to be a bumpy dirty road. I bit my lower lip nervously, seriously where the hell was doing? Drew drummed his fingers on the steering wheel while I decided to wait patiently. The car stopped suddenly, I looked at Drew with a puzzled look. Drew didn't say anything instead he hopped out of his car and then like a gentlemen he opened my car. I thanked him and waited for him as he strolled behind the car and popped his trunk open. I watched him quietly as he pulled out a picnic basket. When the hell did he get a picnic basket? Did he plan on taking me on a date? Drew noticed my confused face and smiled innocently at me. He slammed the trunk shut and then walked into the empty land that was filled with grass. Honestly, it looked beautiful. The wind was blowing nicely, the sun was shining and it was perfect. Drew suddenly appeared beside me with bright smile plastered on his face. He held his hand out for me, I took it shyly and we began walking up the hill. We walked up the hill with the light breeze blowing across our faces. Drew tightened his grip on my hand; we got to the top of the hill. Drew placed the checkered cloth on the floor and then placed the basket. I plopped down after Drew sat down. He released a sigh and then pulled out something from the picnic basket. It was notepad with a blue pen attached to it. He flipped it open and then wrote something. He handed me the black notepad.

"Do you like it?" I read out aloud. I lifted my head and stared out. I did love it. Everything was amazing; I mean how you could not love it. Drew's smile widen as he saw me grinning and nodding. He snatched the notepad and then began writing again.

"Would you like to eat?" I said reading his nice handwriting. I nodded and he began looking through his brown basket. He pulled out a bag of bacon and two plastic bowls that were filled with coco puffs. He also had two bottles of milk. I eagerly took a bowl and grabbed the spoon he gave me. I poured the milk in my plastic bowl and began to eat. We ate in silence; occasionally Drew would send me a gorgeous smile. Drew finished his bowl and took two strips of bacon. He bit into his quietly, his eyes were focused ahead. Now and then, strange emotions would appear on his face and then suddenly disappear. I could see he was thinking of something, I wonder what?

"So how did you plan all this?" I asked breaking the silence. Drew looked at me and then pointed to the notepad that was lying next to my thigh. I gave the notepad and the pen, he quickly wrote down his answer and then handed me the book.

"I wanted to go on a date with you so I asked Chad to ask his family to invite your family and join us for breakfast. Chad also told our friends to sit in his car so you'll sit in mine and then knowing the traffic at this hour, I thought it would be the perfect time to ask you out. " I read, I blushed tomato red after I finished.

"Wow, you wanted to ask me out?" I whispered in shock, this was something I thought would never happen. Drew placed his hand under my chin and tilted it so he could look into my eyes. He nodded not breaking our eye contact. He released my chin but never took his eyes off me. I turned my head so I wouldn't meet his stormy grey eyes. His hand grabbed mine which caused me to look at him in surprise. He lifted my hand and brought up to his red bow shaped lips. He planted a small kiss on my hand which caused tingles to run down my body. He flashed me a smile that revealed his pearly white teeth. I took my hand away slowly and placed it in my lap. Drew took his notepad and then scribbled something down. He showed me the notepad and I gasped at what he wrote.

"Do you have a mate Sid?"


Okay that is the most romantic date ever!! Just saying! I love this chappieeee





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