Chapter 2

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HELLO YOU!!!! Umm so I would like to apologize for not uploading but yeah GUYS MY WRIST IS OKAY! NO WORRIES! MY BABY IS BACCCCCKKKK!!!

Chapter 2

I groaned loudly as I felt the sun creeping up on my face. I let out huge yawn before hopping off my bed. I slipped on my bunny slippers and headed toward my small bathroom. I flinched as the bright yellow walls blinded me for a second. It was my mom's idea to put yellow walls. I muttered a few curse words before slipping in the shower. I quickly did my morning routine and then trotted over to my closet. I decided to wear my grey sweat pants and my long sleeve Lakers shirt. This is actually my favorite shirt, what can I say, I was a huge Lakers fan! I walked out of my room while tying my hair in a high pony tail. I suddenly stopped in the hallway; my mom placed a huge mirror. I always ignored the mirror but after what Stark said yesterday I couldn't help but glance. I usually never look at myself but I don't know. I touched my pale cheek and leaned in toward the mirror. My eyes wandered down to my body, my shirt was large but it was still slightly tight. I cringed and looked away in shame. Why was I actually caring about what Stark said? I mean he wasn't the only person who ever said that to me. Even Hunter makes fun of my weight and he's my own brother! Same goes with my parents but they're only joking....right? Why am I suddenly caring about what people think of me especially Stark? I knew Stark thought I was ugly but that was the first time I ever heard him say it.

"An ugly bitch," I muttered to myself as I walked downstairs. My wolf winced a bit. She too was acting a bit strange. She was heartbroken when she heard Stark call us ugly but why?

I shook my head hoping the thoughts would just go away. I didn't want to think about Start anymore. I never want to ever again! I stomped outside of house feeling frustrated and angry. I felt like punching someone in the face. I hopped in my car and drove off to my high school. I sighed as I saw a red light, I stopped and leaned my head against the dark leather. Hunter was already gone; his girlfriend or fuck buddy probably picked him up. I rolled my eyes and watched as the red light flashed green. I quickly drove down the cracked road and took a left turn to enter my hell also known as my school. I parked in my usual spot and walked inside. I ignored the idiotic teens that made comments about me. I knew they were at least in the 11th grade while I was in the 10th. Some were my brother and that bastard's friends. I headed toward my locker which was located in front of the main office. I quietly took out my books still ignoring the people that were chuckling and making jokes about me. It hurt but like I said you get used to it. I was about to go to my first block class when I heard my name being called. I spun around to see the principle standing; he smiled at me as I walked toward him.

"Uh hello Mr. Franks," I greeted kindly, he nodded and smiled widely. I raised an eyebrow, what did he want?

"Ah, just the werewolf I was looking for!" he joked; I smiled and clutched my book to my chest. I wonder what he wanted.

"My niece, Payton, is starting here today and I was hoping you would help her around." informed Mr. Franks. Right on a cue, a beautiful girl popped out from behind him.

Her blonde locks bounced while her dark blue eyes shined with happiness. She smiled warmly at me and held out her hand. I glanced at her and then at my principle who was grinning at us like an idiot. I could see he loved this girl like his own daughter. Sadness washed over me, I actually heard the Mr. Franks lost his daughter when she was one in a plane crash along with his wife. I grasped her hand and smiled brightly at her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sid." I greeted, she nodded still wearing the smile on her face. I watched as Mr. Franks left us.

"So what class do you have first?" asked Payton with her eyebrows raised. I could see that this girl was really nice but I doubt that she'll hang out with me later. I sighed knowing what was going to happen when the popular crowd sees this pretty girl.

"Uh, hello, are you there?" called Payton; I shook my head and smiled at her.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Um, I have English." I told her, sadness invaded her face. She glanced at her class sheet and then at me.

"I have math! And I hate math!" she whined, I chuckled lightly and started walking toward the science section. Payton followed me while asking questions like what your favorite food is and what's your favorite movie?

"So what do you have after math?" I asked.

"Science by Mrs. Hanks" she answered.

"Well, that's right across." I informed.

I showed her to the math room and waved goodbye. I headed toward my class; I walked in classroom ignoring my classmates. I explained to teacher what happened and he just told me to take my seat. We started talking about a book we were reading in class. The whole class went fast which I was grateful for. The bell rung letting us know that we were free. I quickly gathered my things and then headed to my next class. I went to Payton's science class; I could see the kids running outside. I waited to see if Payton was out but she wasn't. Feeling concerned, I walked toward the classroom pushing past several kids that were in my way. I earned a few fat jokes and name calling but whatever. I crept in the classroom to see Payton but she was being towered by Hunter? He was holding her against the wall. I looked away in disgust, seriously? It's been two fucking periods and already she was all over my brother! I heard talking so I listened in.

"Stop, Hunter, someone is going to come in!" moaned Payton. I shivered in disgust, ew, I don't want to hear her moan.

"So, you're my mate Pay!" argued Hunter. Wow, mate? I didn't see that coming.

"I know but still, come on I have to go meet Sid." she whispered, I could hear Hunter suddenly stop.

"Sid? You mean my little sister? How do you know her?" he questioned.

"She helped me get class plus she's my friend." Answered Payton in a happily tone. I smiled at that, she called me her friend.

"Don't be friends with her! She'll ruin our rep!" yelled Hunter. My heart broke, I'll hurt his rep? I always thought that but I didn't actually believe it was true.


"Yes, you're my mate and my girlfriend so you can't hang out with her!" Hunter whispered furiously.


"So are you going to?" asked Hunter.

"I guess not" whispered Payton.

I walked away clutching my book in my head. She's not going to hang out with me just like that! I walked in to the girl's bathroom, my tears began pouring out. I can't believe my own brother said that about me! He's always nice to me when we were alone but when we're out in public then he gets all bastard mode. I wiped my tears away and splashed my face with some water. I was tired, exhausted and angry. I wanted to get away from all this. I wanted to be gone! I sank down to my knees and held the sink for support. What was I going to do now? I had two more years of high school left right? 10th grade is almost over but I still have two more years! I decided to go home after having that thought. I didn't care if I got detention for skipping or if I got yelled at by my parents. I walked toward my car; I unlocked the car door and hopped in. I sped home in fury, I ignored the comments and honks I got from the drivers. I saw my house which brought a little bit of joy inside of me. I parked my car and entered my house still feeling down. I dropped my bag and jumped on the leather couch. I sat there for a while thinking about what I was going to do.

What was I going to do now?





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