Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I stared at her with a puzzled expression on my face. Millions of questions were appearing in my mind. How come she never told me? Does mom and dad know? How is she part witch? I finally asked a question that was in my mind.

"Grandma, do you know what crack is?" I asked in quiet voice. Grandma Ivy rose an eyebrow and chuckled softly.

"I'm not smoking crack Sid." she said quietly with an amused look on her face. I let out a sigh of relief

while placing a hand on my heart.

"So how are you a witch?" I asked quietly. Grandma sighed and pulled to her leather couch. I played with my fingers as she thought about what she was going to say.

"Well, I'm actually surprised that your mother never told you." she finally says.

"Long ago around the 50s, our ancestor Juliana, a very powerful witch mated to a wolf. She was actually his destined mate. You see back then we weren't allowed to have mates, witches were the only species that were mate less. It's not that we couldn't have one, it was because we didn't need one. Witches could have children on their own because of magic. So anyways, Juliana mated to a young man named Philip Smith. He was a great man and he cared about his mate a lot. Soon, Juliana found out that she and her mate were going to have a baby. Later on, witch council somehow found out about Juliana and Philip. Since Juliana broke the law, the council had to punish her. The witch council locked Juliana in the a cage and left her to rot. Poor Philip looked for his mate for days but never found her. Trying to survive in a cage that took away her powers, Juliana knew she would give birth soon. Instead of nine months, it takes a witch 15 days until she is ready to conceive. She knew that if the witch council found out that she had a baby inside of her, they would kill it. She cried for hours when a familiar witch showed up to her cage. It was Juliana's best friend, Martha. Her best friend could sense the pain that Juliana was going through and helped her out of the cage. Martha didn't care if she got murdered for this, all she cared about was her best friend. Juliana was about to escape with her but then stopped. Pain shot through body and she fell on the floor crying. Juliana explained to Martha that she was pregnant, Martha immediately helped her friend out and Juliana gave birth to a baby girl named Alice. Juliana held her baby close and then placed her hand on her forehead. She took away her baby girl's witch powers but kept her wolf. She knew that sooner or later that witch council will find Alice so she had to keep her safe by taking her powers away. However, Alice may not have powers but Juliana didn't have the strength due to her labor to take away the witch gene. Alice has the witch gene but her mother took away the powers that were inside of that gene. That also means that if Alice gives birth to a baby girl then she will have witch powers because Alice had no power to take away her baby girl's powers. Later, Alice did mate with a wolf named James Lysine and they had a baby girl named Daisy. Alice's daughter Daisy was a wolf and a witch because the powers in her witch gene weren't taken away like Alice's. During that time, the witch council had finally agreed about witches having mates so it was all well. The problem that occurred when witches couldn't have a child that was part werewolf and part witch. It was impossible to have it but since Alice had Daisy who was both. People went berserk and tried to kidnap the poor girl because of how strong she was. The reason Daisy had witch powers was because of Juliana like I said Juliana was a very strong and powerful witch. She was a legend. She had the power to actually give birth to a hybrid. Daisy ran away with her parents far away to a small town where she met her mate Mark Wilson. They mated and had two boys named Dylan and Sam and a girl named Abigail. Before having the girl, Daisy placed a spell on her that only kept her as a werewolf. Daisy's daughter Abigail was just like her grandmother Alice. Daisy's spell was slightly different from Juliana. Instead of trying take away the witch powers, she made sure that WHOLE witch gene skipped a generation. Which means that her daughter has no witch gene inside of her but her granddaughter will. This spell was mainly for protection for the next girl in the Livingston family." grandma finished.

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