Looming Darkness (13)

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The scene changes to dads office in the castle that we both live in. He sits behind the desk talking to a new face I've never seen before. "You can not just turn her without her permission. She would resent you for eternity. You know that just as much as I do." The man says. "And what of my kingdom? I can't have a half running the throne of the full bred vampires. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm trying to push the idea to her in a way but I'm not sure she's ready for it, but soon enough she won't have the chance." He yells angrily.

"Now Dracula she's already more vampire than she is human, see if that gene fully takes over her body. You know well enough that it will take control. It will destroy whatever human she has left in her and even her humanity. As it could be a theory but if her human side is thinning as is, it makes sense that she'll become cold hearted." I watch Vance as his eyes take in the scene before he watches me with curiosity.

"No she wouldn't be heartless." Dad tells him. "Ah but you do know that she was a hunter. She killed for fun. She killed many of our kind, and you know this just as much as I do. As a master vampire my friends have fallen under their sword. And then allowing her to frolic about and kill rouges? Bold move there. The people don't know what to think of her, I hear rumors and some good and most bad. They don't trust a hunter to run their kingdom."

"No! Don't they realize that she's more of them than she is human?" Dad asks worried. "I don't know what to tell you on that one. It doesn't look good on you either to have a future heir they can't trust." "Like I had a say in the matter of having another child. You know that I never wanted another child after Vance. She wasn't a mistake. I love her but I didn't want to bring her into our world, but she wasn't even raised by our kind." He growls out. "Vance." I whisper to him as his eyes soften as he watches my tears fall down my face. "Yeah?" He asks. "I want to wake up now." I whisper once more wiping my tears.

"I'll come to you tomorrow night and I need to know an answer by then." He tells me as the scene fades. I groan lightly as I open my eyes and try to rub my eyes and realize my arms hang above my head. I snap awake real fast with memories running through my brain. I see his smirking face as I focus on where I am. "Wakey Wakey." He rings out in amusement. "Shut up." I groan. "Now that's no way to treat someone in the morning." "Get to the point, what do you want?" I ask. "I want to know what you've heard before I make any decisions." "John I uh I uhm got some blood for you." Another voice rings out. "Fuck." John curses under his breath as his hazel eyes pierce mine and his black hair grown longer than it probably should be.

"I smell someone." The voice rings out. Before I know it I see a young boy my age with very light brown eyes, and shaggy brown hair. "Who's this?" He smiles happily. "I'm not sure Noah. Why don't you ask her yourself." He yells angrily. "Okay." He smiles once again. "What's your name?" He asks squatting down to my level. "Does that matter if you're gonna kill me anyway?" I ask as my eyes flash to John. "What is it?" Noah asks getting a little stricter. "She'll give us a fake name." John mutters under his breath. "Then I'll just compel her. Is she human? What is she?" Noah asks as his head snaps between John and I. "I don't even know. She smells of us and of humans." John shad disgusted of the human part. A lightbulb flashes all over Noah's face as he smirks. "I know who and what she is." "Who!?" John asks as he moves closer to me.

"Estrella isn't it? Daughter of Dracula. Princess to the vampire race. The only half to ever exist in our species. Am I missing anything?" Noah asks. "Holy Shit." John mutters as he takes a step back. "Yeah you forgot about the part of me being the best Hunter to the charts. But I'm not mad, I'm no longer in that glorious club." I tell them smirking. "So you're telling me she's the Daughter? And she knows my plans." John whispers to himself. "I mean I can just pretend I didn't hear it if that's what you would like." I laugh. "She's feisty." Noah comments to himself.

"What the hell do I do!? I can't just kill her or I'll have the kingdom out for my blood. I can't keep you here either cause eventually someone will find you." John screams. "John chill. We can keep her here until we figure something out to fix this. Or a royal could be the perfect offering to the wolves." He says thinking it over. "No I have other connections. We'll just let the hunters deal with her." John says before storming off deeper into the cave. "So like what do you eat?" Noah asks. "Excuse me?" I respond. "Like since you're a half and all do you stick to human food?" He continues as I laugh.

"I drink blood." "And that's it? Wouldn't your human side need food as well?" "No." I snap at him annoyed at this conversation and at him. "So the castle is like huge?" He asks as I growl at him. "What did I say something wrong?" "Why do these useless questions matter? I am your prisoner. Not your friend." I tell him as I watch his brown eyes grow sad. "I was just trying to be nice." He whispers as he stands up and walks off.

Dad's ego is so wounded by a daughter who isn't fully vampire, how could I make it much worse? He didn't want me, so why should he care of what I do? Vance would kill him if I gave him his location, do I really want him to die? He was never a father to me, he couldn't even protect me. He's trying but can Dracula really offer love with such a cold heart? No. He clearly wants to turn me and control me in his hands. I've been controlled my whole life and I'm not taking another lifetime in someone else's hands. No I'm done being someone's doll. So what if he dies? I either take down the kingdom or I take the throne. I never wanted that stupid title, I only wanted it because he made me think I wanted to. I think I know my answer now.

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