32 ; the boyfriend tag; Hazza edition

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"We leave tomorrow for Ireland!" Harry exclaimed, "Anyways, hello guys, pardon me for not making videos I was...distracted. But yeah. Welcome back to my channel Hazza_larious because I'm hilarious, obviously". Harry chuckled,

"As you can tell, this is the boyfriend tag with...Louis Tomlinson!" There was the clapping sound effect in the background when Louis came into view. He smiled and waved at the camera.

"Hello!" He greeted.

"Since this is the first time we met and oh how fell so hard for this human, I wanted to do the boyfriend tag so we can get to know each other a bit, yeah?"

"Wait- so this isn't a sex tape?" Louis joked, covering up his mouth.

"Do you want it to be?" Harry smirked, Louis blushed.

"Of course...not" Louis giggled.

The video transitioned to where Louis and Harry were sitting with 10 notecards each in their hands.

"Who's first?"

"Rock paper scissors?" Harry asked.
Louis shrugged, balling his hands into a fist, resting it on his palm of his other hand. Harry did the same.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They yelled.

Louis picked rock, Harry picked scissors.

"Best 2 out of 3" Harry retorted. Louis rolled his eyes.

Louis ended up winning. He randomized his cards. Once he picked one, he immediately smiled.

"What is my top 5 favorite songs?" Louis smiled cracking a devilish grin (tHE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS)

"Uh, I know one of them is Hey Angel because I sang that to you over the phone that night so you would fall asleep..." He drifted off. Louis giggled, nodding.

"Yeah, what else?"

"I have no clue, that's the only song you ever talked about" Harry frowned. "Worth it?"

"Hell no" Louis shook his head.

"How to save a life?"

"Oh my god, that's one of them."

"Really? I'm just naming the songs I like." Harry laughed.

"You like worth it?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head.

"Is there any chance you like Justin Bieber?"

"I do, but he's not on my list" Louis informed. Harry adjusted his hair, later tapping on his chin.

"Is there any chance you like 5 seconds of summer? I feel like you're the type to like a band more than a solo singer" Harry said, with his accent sounding very thick. Louis looked over his notecard answers, and he nodded.

"Most of them are from a band, except one." Louis said, "I need to change,"

"You look fine"

"But I'm cold now" Louis frowned, setting down his notecards. Harry rolled his eyes.

The video switch to where Louis had on a PINK (not the color pink) sweater on and a white car ears.

"Cat ears?" Harry asked in amazement, cooing on how adorable he looked. Louis nodded.

They resumed where they left off,

"Jet Black Heart?" Harry asked. Louis squealed and nodded.

"The Strays by sleeping with sirens?" Harry smirked. Louis eyed him in superstition.

"You looked at my card while I was changing, didn't you?"

"Maybe" Harry gave a snugged look.

"You're cute, alright your turn." Louis said.

Harry flipped this his cards randomly.

"What...what are my favorite things to eat?" Harry announced.

Louis thought real hard before answering,


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