27 ; fangirl

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this is Olivia's POV-ish?? Not really, it's just more focused on her...because...well...I need a fangirl to fangirl over this YouTube video, and Harry can't do it since he's with Lou


@bowtielouist just uploaded a new video. Slide to watch.

Olivia squealed, sliding her lockscreen, punching in the password to her phone.

The video was titled, Getting Surpised by Hazza!

She immediately started singing Louis's intro, knowing it by heart...aka the Hey Angel song (chorus)

The video finally opened up to where it was Jenna who was recording.

The camera was focused on Harry as it showed his nervousness.

"--Alright, I'll be in the main room, remember that we're going out in a bit!" Jenna called out.

"I know! Should I wear my black skirt with my navy blue crop top or a burgundy colored skirt?" Olivia heard Louis ask.

"Black" Harry whispered from a distance.

"Black" Jenna repeated.

"Ok!" Louis responded.

Olivia squealed as her otp was going to meet, even though she already saw them both, in person.

Everything around Olivia felt like it stopped when she heard the bathroom nob jiggle, then the door opened.

She aww'd at how cute Louis looked, as his eyes were glued to his phone.

Jenna cleared her throat catching Louis attention.

Olivia grabbed the closest thing on her bed and brung it to her chest, holding it tightly.

This is it, she told herself.

A gasp came from Louis's mouth, along with him saying Harry's name. The camera shot when Harry got up and Louis ran into his arms.

"Hey baby," Harry whispered.

Olivia paused the video and threw herself backwards, feeling excited for them.

"They're so cute!" She hummed.

She accidentally played the video, and she heard,

"Guys I'm wasting my data space. Stop staring at each and kiss"

Olivia shot straight up.

"Baby looke at me" she heard Harry say. Olivia held her breath watching them literally stare into each other's eyes.

"OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod" she yelled repeatedly as she watched them kiss.

"hOLY MOTHER OF LARRY" she slammed her laptop face down, closing the computer.

"They're so disgustingly cute, I need a life" she mumbled to herself walking out of her room, ignoring the weird stares that was being thrown at her.

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