10 ; indirects

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Louis and Harry talked that whole day. Just talking about each other.

It wasn't a doubt that they like one another.

"When I see you, I would want hold you"

Louis giggled at that, but it also made him feel weird. He liked it but then again he didn't like the feeling because he knew he was falling for Harry.

To Louis it was rare.

"Why does the green-eyes curly British boy take an intrest in me?", Louis asked.

Louis sighed. He decided to take a shower. This time Louis was wearing a pink pastel soft sweater (that was a bit long so it covered his hands) and rolled-up ankle jeans that showed his ass.

Louis thought it would be a good idea to put on his ankle bracelet.

Louis took another picture of himself that matched his Instagram theme, and posted it, captioning it:

the world is to cruel to care.

@hazza_larious: he's so perfect, I wonder if he knows what he does to me

@jenna.41: @hazza_larious indirects aren't cool m8 you should tag

@hazza_larious: they aren't cool anymore?? :o

@hazza_larious: well this is about you @bowtielouist


A/N: two milli two milli two milli

"Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis"


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