Chapter 20 (You're right)

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Note 9

We made it out. Turns out the adults are still alive. I don't know why I'm documenting this anymore. I don't care who hears about this. It doesn't matter, but I guess it makes me feel better so I'll keep making notes.

Em's pov

Zane and I spend nearly the entire night together. We cuddle and talk but mostly we just take comfort in the fact that for the night we're alive. As it approaches sunrise I know that I need to leave soon but I can't bring myself too.

"I should go, if I stay any longer I won't be able to sneak away," I tell Zane. At first he doesn't react to my words so I gently kiss his cheek to get his attention.

"Why should you bother to sneak away? We might die tomorrow. Who cares what anyone has to say about our relationship when it might be the last night of our lives?" Zane counters.

"You're right. I was worried you wouldn't want to upset your father though," I reply.

"I don't care what he thinks anymore. He can fuck off," Zane growls. Most likely not fully the truth but I'll take it for now. We return to our quiet cuddling until it's really morning. With a sigh I untangle us. It's time to go back out into the killzone. It's time to go save everyone.

"I'm going to go say bye to Lexa. I'll meet you by the exit in about an hour," I inform Zane. I don't wait for a response before I leave. I glare at his father as I pass him in the hall.

As I start my search for Lexa I let my thoughts turn to planning. It will be easy to get everyone from the north and south camps to follow us, but how are we supposed to get all of the people from the others camps to join us. If they've heard about what's going to happen if they stay there any longer then they might join us out of desperation, but what if they don't? Do we chose to just leave them to die? Can I even bring myself to chose to leave people to die again? How many times can I make these sorts of decisions before I'm truly a monster? I spot Lexa out of the corner of my eye.

She's with Serena. Great, fantastic, perfect. That's exactly what I wanted. Not! I could just chose to not say goodbye to Lexa, but what if I die? Fuck, I have to say goodbye just in case. Maybe Serena will just not talk to me.

"Hey Lexa," I call as I approach them.

"Em? Are you leaving already?" She asks. I can see the fear her eyes. She knows as well as I do that this may be the last time we ever talk.

"Yeah in a little less than an hour. I just wanted to say bye to you, and Zanes probably saying bye to Jake," I reply.

"Em, what your mother said to you was out of line. You're doing the right thing by going out to save more people," Serena tells me. I look down at the ground as I reply, "I was going to leave them all to die, it's your daughter who convinced me to go back and save more people."

The look of pride that crosses her face as she looks at Lexa nearly makes me smile. That's my sign to leave these two alone to continue talking. I tell them a quick goodbye and hug Lexa tightly one last time. As we hug I whisper in her ear, "If I don't come back, you should take over leading. Tell everyone it's he choice I would make." As I pull away I see her slightly nod her head. It would be hard but I believe in her to accomplish it. Hopefully she won't have to though. With our goodbye done I walk away from them and head towards the exit. Ace stops me on my way there.

"I got together a few people who will be coming with to help save everyone," he informs me. Let me guess the group is him and the twins. Since I'm already pretty sure I'm right, I don't bother to ask him to clarify. Big mistake. He got more than just a few people. Choosing to ignore the ones I don't like I turn excitedly towards the emerald king. "Zacharias! When do you guys get here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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