Chapter 6 (Seduction)

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Authors note: here we go again vote and comment AND CONTINUE READING

Note 4

Jake got hurt, but I saved him. In the process we gained the help of the Emerald city. They're trying to get out of here too. Lexa found out everything, and she's really mad. She just doesn't get it.

Ems pov

I'm at Jakes side before anyone else has even moved.

"It's not that bad," I announce only just loudly enough for them to hear.

"Shit. That really hurt," Jake whines.

"Oh buck up, it was just the claws," I reply jokingly, as I softly poke at the wound. It really isn't bad just bloody. He scowls at me as I take off my backpack and pull out a bandage. Zane and Lexa join me as I wrap the wound.

"You're sure that's not going to be bad right?" Lexa questions.

"It'll be fine. We just need to get far away from here."

"We can worry about coyotes and wolves later, let's go back to camp," Zane states. I shake my head no as I respond, "something's wrong."

Now something I've learned in my 17 years is that the second you mention something is when it usually happens. For example the second your mention that you can tell something's off is the second the emeralds appear. Yep that's right the people from the emerald city... Yeah the ones that hate us Souths.

"Now now if it isn't our allies of the north and or our enemies of the south," the kind of the emerald city says as his six guards stand ready with weapons. If it wasn't for the one with the bow id just grab Lexa and make a run for it.

"Well hello Zacharias." I reply before giving a big smile and wave. Maybe I can get us out of this.

Lexas POV (poor Jake bleeding out well the emeralds be showing up)

"Emvy, the warrior leader. I've heard a lot about you. Too bad we never met when our to groups were on good terms," Zacharias responds. We can not have this happen right now. Jake is bleeding!

"So how's your kingdom. Last time I was there it was beautiful. Oh and your sister, Cassandra, how is she?" Em asks casually. A suppress a groan as I knell down by Jake taking Ems spot as she walks closer to the emerald king. She really is fearless.

"So it's true then; you were the one breaking into my kingdom?" Zacharias questions back.

"Maybe... Probably... That's not important."

"I should kill you here and now," the king growls as his men move towards Em. Oh no. She better have one hell of a plan in her head.

"You could do that, but then you'll never know how I did it. How I manage to get in and out of the impenetrable kingdoms. How I did it multiple times," Em counters.

"It won't matter when you're dead."

"Or how about rather than killing we work out an agreement," Zane interjects making everyone turn to look at him.

"She's the Emvy! Everyone wants to ask her what's true and what's not, and here's your chance. So how about you all agree to not killing anyone and she'll answer whatever questions you ask," Zane offers.

"Fine. It's a deal then," the king agrees.

"What the hell! It's that easy! How boring," Em complains before walking away from the king and back to Jake. Silently she continues her medical treatment.

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