Chapter 8 (Left me)

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Zanes POV
Well it's hot as hell out here. You'd think the storm from yesterday would of meant the world had cooled down but instead it remained hotter than ever outside.

"It's so hot," Jake whines.

"Oh really I didn't notice," I hiss back making him blush.

"This heats a lot better than dealing with Em though," Jake responds. No kidding. Lexa leaving her really didn't go over well.

******************** flashback time which changes pov

Jakes pov

"I don't like it when you keep things quiet," Zane whines to Em. She only responds with a flirty wink before walking away.

"She's insane," Camilla declares.

"What did she say?" Charles questions.

"She wants to convince the twins to come with her when she leaves," Camilla answers.

"That's what I worried she would attempt," Zane groans. Well if you were already worrying maybe you should of tried to stop her. If he wouldn't probably kill me for saying it I'd tell him just how stupid it is to not stop her. Yeah that's right Zane! YOURE STUPID!

"Jake," I jump as my names called, making Zane laugh. Oh no. He's still got a sexy laugh.

(Lol Jen if you reading this txt me *Zanes laughter*)


"I asked you a question but you clearly weren't listening," Zane replies. I was busy insulting you. Just like going to busy myself now with thinking about your hot body.

"Give him a break. Rosamund stuck enough drugs in him to make anyone loopy," Charles defends. He's hot too. Mhm him, Zane, Camilla and Em. The thoughts of them all shirtless will be making my life better for a long time coming now. Then again the new information I've learned today might be more important than their shirtlessness. I still can't believe it. Zane, Em, Zacharias, and supposedly all other leaders of camps were left a message telling them that in three years everyone who couldn't get out of the kill zone would be killed for the cure. That means pretty soon all of us are going to die if we aren't out of here. Apparently these messages included enough information to find the exits but the way to get there would be extremely dangerous, which was why Em choose to only help the people she cares about to leave. She figured the less people she brought the easier it would be too keep them alive. Zane had a very similar idea but instead of people he cares about, he chose people who would be useful. I guess that would be one of the main reasons they wanted to work together. That and the fact that they're both completely in love. Well I slightly hate them because I wanna be the one Zane loves, I still have to admit they belong together. Together they'll actually be able to get out a lot of people from the kill zone. Not everyone, but by now I'm used to zanes idea of important people first priority and all the rest are on their own. Though I hoped Em would be different. I wish I was as brave as Lexa to stand up for those getting left behind.

"Sure, were in," the deep voice of one of the twins pulls me out of thoughts to notice, it's just the twins, Em, Zane and I standing in the room now. A quick look around and I notice that everyone else has walked outside. Guess the storm is over.

"It's getting hot again," Ronan sates before pulling his shirt off. Holy heavens. DAMN!

"Hot indeed," I mumble, making Em laugh.

"Agreed," she giggles out, as Zane looks annoyed. Jealous much.

"Well now it's to easy to figure out who's who," Rowan complains before  pulling his shirt off too. Two really is better than one! Hot twins might just be my weakness.

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