Chapter 10 (His exception=my survival)

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Jake POV

I wrap my arms around Henry's waist as his breathing slows down. Spooning is great, and spooning after sex is the best!

"Henry are you asleep?" I whisper loudly enough to wake him from the light sleep he has fallen into. That's right I did it on purpose. Deal with it!

"Now I am," he replies before rolling in my arms to face me... Or to face my chest anyways. I pull him up further on to his bed so we are face to face.

"I love sleeping with you," I mumble, making him roll his eyes.

"If that's the reason you woke me up, then I swear I'm never sleeping with you again," he growls playfully.

"That's not the reason! I have a question," I respond.

"And this question would be?"

"What would happen if I refuse to go along with Zane and Em in their idea that they're only going to save those they choose?" The question rushes out so fast I'm not even sure if it makes sense, or if I even actually said anything at all. Suddenly Henry's look turns angry and I know the question was said and understandable.

"Why would you do that?" He growls.

"It's not right! They can't leave so many people to die just because they're scared that the people the like might get hurt!" I shove myself away from him as I sit up. I wish I had put my clothes back on before.

"If they try to save everyone then a lot of people would get hurt or die!" By now Henry is also sitting looking furious. Great. I have just made a big mistake; Henry is barely ever angry but when he is he is extremely dangerous. He would never physically hurt me,but Henry had a way with words that will leave wounds deeper than any physical pain could ever inflict. I should back down, just drop the argument and plead for forgiveness, but I refuse to.

"A lot more people are going to die if they leave everyone behind!" It's not right, and if I can't stop it then I'm damn well going to complain about it.

"Well it's different!" His voice comes out angry but there's something more to it. It's a tone to his voice that I know well, love.

"How?" The questions a challenge. Convince me it's different and I'll let it go.

"This way you won't be at risk, I won't be at risk, em won't be at risk and no one we care about will be at risk. It's selfish but we dont care. That's what you don't get. Zane, Em, and I see it this way, we have two choices, try and save everyone and possibly watch people we care deeply for die, or let people we don't care about die and not risk the ones we do care for. So get over it Jake. No matter what we do people are going to die, but at least this way I know you won't be one of them." The explanation leaves me speechless. I hadn't realized how serious this was. People were going to die trying to escape. People were going to die if they don't escape. It's a lose-lose situation, and the only people who don't have any need for worry weren't going to risk themselves for people that can't get themselves out. It's horrible but it makes sense, and yet I can't get over it. Zane, Em, Henry, and everyone else who was leaving tomorrow don't have any problem with it, and they all have one thing in common, they don't need anyone to help them escape. All this who would need help are being left behind: survival of the fittest, or something like that. I don't get how they don't see how awful they're being, but maybe it's different for me, after all I'm the only person, going with tomorrow, who couldn't survive alone. Like Zane said when we were younger I'm always his one exception. .. Always will be.

Henry POV

I storm out of my room once I've left Jake speechless. He's so stupid sometimes. I doubt even realizes how lucky he is that Zane cares about him so much. He's lucky that I care about him so much! There's so much I've done for him. From always being there for him to always being there to fix what he ruined. Without me, Zane would have already given up on Jake. The mistakes Jake made that only I could fix would of piled up until Zane snapped. Like that time Jake pushed Em out of a tree. We were so naive then, we thought it was the end of the world but now our worlds actually ending and the past is child's play.

********flashbacks are fun*********

"What are you doing in a tree?"Jake asked the odd blonde haired girl.

"Spying. Now hush!" She responds. Suddenly her attention snaps to my direction. I duck deeper in to the tree line and hope that even if she does see me she won't point me out. The last thing I need is for Jake to find out I've been slightly stalking him. I don't do 'crushes' well, so I've been following Jake around and watching him constantly ever since I started dreaming about him. Jake, As unobservant as he is, had yet to notice.

"Why are you in a tree?" He repeats making the girl glare.

"Hush and you'll find out. By the way my names Emvy," the girl replies before sticking her hand out to shake.

"I'm-" Jake begins but is cut off by Emvy, "Jacob Besnik, good friend of Alexander Alastair."

What a stalker. Emvy.

"Does Emvy stand for something?"

"Yeah. Em for my first name and v for the last but tell anyone that and I'll have to kill you," she snaps back before suddenly getting excited. Violently, she hushes at Jake before pointing. From where I stand I can't see what they see. Curiosity brings me closer to them. Now I can see what they're watching. Zane. He's walked close enough to be spotted but he's still far away. What is Emvy up to?

"What's are you doing?" Jakes asks the question ringing in my head.


"You can't do that!" Jakes sudden anger scares Emvy making her jump. Unsure of what she's doing Jake moves away from her. A severe mistake. Emvy comes crashing out of the tree and slams into the ground. The sound echoes through the area and straight to Zane. He's by her side in an instant.

"Em?" The words slips from him in surprise, but she can't respond. She's not moving anymore. I'm not even sure she's breathing. I watch as Zane starts to look around to figure out what's happened it won't be long before he finds Jake... Unless I intervene.

It didn't take long to fabricate a story. I found the girl sitting in a tree and went to see who she was, and when i asked she startled and feel out of the tree. Luckily he believes me, most likely because Emvy woke up in the middle of the story and couldn't remember anything.

******************flashback over*****

I still don't think Em remembers. The next time she saw Jake she introduced herself just like the first time, except never again did she mention that Emvy wasn't her actual name. Sometimes I suspect she was lying when she said it wasn't, other times I suspect it's the only true thing she has ever said.

Author note: short and kind of cynical chapter. I like Henry's POV compared to jakes. Very contrasty. Planing to actually update on time next week

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