Chapter 1 (Starting a war)

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              Killing For The Cure
Author note: Hi this is going to be short but in the future chapters will be longer. This story is for my dear friend smackdragon  bday gift. I LOVE YOU BABY. anyways I hope this won't be crap but who knows so join me for an adventure. Or dont. It's up to you. Will feature a gay couple and a straight couple possibly any thing I feel like. Thanks pleas view and comment vote. CONTINUE READING

Note 3

I've finally decided what I have to do. I wish I could tell Lexa but she wouldn't understand.


"I'm sorry," I apologize, for what has to be, the hundredth time.

"And, I'm still not mad," Em replies, her long, dirty-blonde hair streaming behind her. Even at only 15 she is extremely beautiful, with blue stormy eyes, flawless Snow White pale skin, and hair so perfect it seemed surreal. She walked gracefully and silently, her back facing me. She has a style to her that always leave me wondering if she's the safest person I'll ever be around or the most dangerous.

"Em!" Lucy, a sweet little 10 year old girl, with black hair and and dark brown eyes, shouts in excitement. Her joy quickly fades when she notice that we have returned with nothing. Another person I've disappointed to add to the growing list. It would seem my life would be best measured in disappointment. Don't bother asking my age or my name, that isn't what defines me, what does is the mistakes I've made and the ones I'll make. Em can tell me again and again that's it's okay and that my mistakes don't mater but she can't change the reality of the world we live in is that my mistakes can't be forgiven. There's no forgiveness when the mistakes I make will mean the death of many. A million 'It's okays' will never fill the hole of lost lives. To put this more simply I fucked up big time.

"Lexa, do me a favor, go fill everyone in on what happened. I'm going to start planning," Em asks of me, but without waiting for my answer she walks off. Typical. She's better than me at making choices, so she doesn't have to consider any response I would have had... Or maybe she just knows that I would never argue against her; not after what I've done today.

"What happened?" Lucy asks her sweet voice driving me insane. How can I explain that I might have just started a war, and all because I had to be dumb. How can I explain that in a moment of fear I had become willing to take someone's life. She ten she couldn't understand, but her age doesn't exactly matter in the scenario, there's no age where you'll understand the feeling of willingness to end a life. I can't even understand it. I just can't.

"Go tell my mother, that we need to have a gathering, and quickly,"I tell Lucy while avoiding looking at her. She nods her head before running off on her tiny legs. I guess there isn't enough time to think about what I've done. I've got to let Em fix this.

So time to hope this goes alright. I run off to the gate of our little town, wondering if I should get Em before I get there, but knowing I'll annoy her if I do so, I don't.


There's nothing quite like going to make a plan, and being stopped by a war threat. On my way to the city hall building I ran into a large meeting at the front gate, a gathering I'm guessing. Too my great surprise, okay that's a lie I was expecting this, the northerners were arguing with us-- at our gate!

I looked in the crowd and immediately spotted Al, the leader of the northerners, in front of him was Lexa's  mother, our leader, Serina. The two leaders were about the same tall height, and both were very thin yet muscular.

That's where the similarities end, while Serina has black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin, Al has strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, and extremely pale skin. By extremely pale, I mean nearly the same white out skin tone as me.

Odd how I match the northerners look more than my own peoples. The next person I notice is the very sexy Zane, son of Al. Yeah, I know don't flirt with the enemy, but he's seriously hot. Zane has strawberry-blond short hair, light-green eyes, and is as tall and thin yet muscular as his father. Despite the pissed of look that Zane holds, he's a sweetheart. Much like me, he'll do anything to protect his friends and anyone he cares about. Unlike me though he's a trained since birth fighter, which means having him and his, also serious kickass fighter, dad at our gate makes me a little nervous. Ignoring my nerves I continue my observations.

Beside zane is the very short, yet taller than me by a bit, Jake. Who's got bright red hair, and dark green eyes. The other kid next to Zane is Henry, he's really smart with bleach blond hair, and brown eyes. They'd be cute together! If only Zane knew how to share I'd convince the two to date.

I stop my plotting when I notice Lexa walking towards all of us. Everyone must notice her at the same time because it falls silent. Here we go.


A silence spreads over everyone as I arrive, and instantly my mother calls me over to explain. Breathing in I look over at Em, who stares back confidently, before walking over to my mother to explain.

"Well it's a long story, and a complete accident," I begin before launching into my best telling of what happened.

Flash back time.

"Em!" I scream as I begin to lose my gripping. Hanging off a cliff isn't exactly my idea of fun.
"Shhhh!" She whisper yells in reply.

"Did you hear that," a northerner asks, another northerner from somewhere above me. I consider trying to cross my fingers and pray they don't find me, but I don't get to follow through because suddenly I'm being yanked up, and for once I would have rather fell.

"Who are you?" The northerner asks a slight accent making it sound more like, woo air you. Usually northerners accents weren't so prominent.

"Let her go!" Em shouts, she's standing in a tree, an arrow locked in her bow, and trained on the northerner.

"Attackers!" The other northerner shouts alerting everyone else. Em immediately shoots an arrow, making the northerners duck. Which gives me time to flee, but stupidly I don't realize the chance she has given me. Instead I whip out two knives and fling them at the Northerners, hitting them in the stomachs.

"This means war," Al declares once I finish.

"Wait, this isn't foolish child games," my mother argues.

"I'll give one way out of a war, give us the one responsible for the murder of two of my people," Al replies.

"It was an accident," I cry, at the same time Em says, "it was my idea to go there."

"Very well then this is a war now," my mother responds to Al, ignoring us. There's an outraged cry from both sides.

"No! It was my idea so hand me over! Do not start a war!" Em argues. No! I won't lose my best friend!

"You should listen to her," Al tells my mother making me shiver in horror. I can't bare to think of what would happen to Em if she was handed over.

"No, we can't do that, at tomorrow's first light we will be at war," my mother replies making it final, and thus a war was started. A war started, all because of what I did.

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