Chapter 18 (Aced it)

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Jakes POV

Parents are the worst. Henry's so lucky he doesn't have any. I watch as Em looks to Zane before the two nod. Cue splitting up in 3 2 1. Em goes to walk away as Zane grabs my wrist. The idea of forcing Henry to come with us too pops in my mind but he slyly moves further from me as Zane heads towards his parents pulling me with. I'm well aware why he's doing so. He wants to keep me away from my parents, and I'm one hundred percent okay with that. I've been avoiding spotting them because I'm pretty sure if I see them I'll just start crying, and I really don't want to embarrass my self like that. I thought I was safe from them,but here they are, and I know I won't be able to avoid them forever; not when Zane and Em are going to be leaving.

"Alexander," Zanes dad says in that scary as hell voice he uses. The one that guarantees he thinks you're the least important person in the world and are far below him.

"We made it," Zane replies just as scarily, in the the last few years he's gained a lot of confidence, but to stand up to his father hed need an ego the size of his and Ems combined. SO WHY DID THEY SPLIT UP!

"You decided to join the Souths?" His father asks dangerously. Did Em and Zane really think, 'oh right these are our parents the people who are the most capable of destroying all our confidence and breaking everything we built well they were gone, so let's face them alone rather than together.' WHY! I sure as hell won't be facing my parents alone, more importantly I'm not facing them at all.

"Yes. Em and I have an agreement," Zane replies, making me wonder if his dad would hit him in front of everyone. I wouldn't think so. So Zane should be safe, of course who knows what'll happen later. Before we had entered here Zane promised that we'd all stick together. No one could hurt us that way AND THEN THEY WENT AND SPLIT UP!

"You mean a relationship. You chose a hot girl over the people who trusted you to take care of them. I always knew you'd be a disappointment, and you didn't even chose anyone useful to bring with you. Jake and Humphrey? Can you ever do anything right?" Zanes father growls I awkwardly look away only to notice Henry, or should I say Humphrey. He's watching something carefully. I follow his line of sight to see Em and her mother talking. From the looks of it, it's not going well. I wonder about everyone else. The twins are the first ones I spot, they talk to the old emerald King easily. It seems to be the only good conversation occurring today. I notice Josh next standing with people who look similar to him but not talking to them, instead they watch Em and her mother. When i spot Lexa I notice she's doing the same. Odd.

Henry's POV

All of the Souths were watching the two Emily's talk. It gives the conversation an odd amount of suspense. I've got a bad feeling that if Em doesn't argue correctly things are going to get bad quick. If I remember right Ems mom wasn't the leader of the Souths as that lexas mom, Serena. Ems mother was much more interesting than that. She was a scientist at first, but when they discovered she had the immunity they moved her in with the Souths. She quickly managed to practically lead the Souths despite Serena having the title as leader, but she ended up being taken away quite a few years before all of the adults were taken away. That much I know, but I don't know how Em fits into that story then. I'm pretty sure she wasn't with the Souths before her mother arrived but does that mean Em used to live with the scientist? It's odd that I didn't realize how curious her past was until I was watching her and her mom interact. I guess I never even thought about it. All I cared to know before was that Em didn't like her mother, and did everything she could to spite her. Even after her Mother left, Em continued to act out in spite, but maybe it wasn't just Ems attitude that made her act that way. Maybe it had something to do with being moved from living with the scientists to the kill Zone. Did she act that way out of anger at having lost the home she may of preferred. I'll have to ask her after we get away for my the adults. In the mean time I should focus on what's happening right now. It would seem to me that the Souths are probably split in a way, they want to follow Serena because she led them as the named leader, but they all want to follow Emily or Em because they were better at leading. Strangely enough, I think Ems the only one of us with a chance to get the adults to listen to her. There is no way Zane could get any adult Norths to listen to him instead of his father, Josh, Jake, Lexa and i, have no sort of ability to get any adult to listen to us, and the twins and Rosamund would never be able to get people to ignore their king for them. If Zacharias was here hed actually get to lead his people, so of course Rosamund and the twins don't want to try and lead, as they want Zacharias to do that. So it's all up to Em now. If she can't get some sort of power then everything will go back to the way things were before the adults. Jake will go back to an abusive family, Zane will go back to an abusive father, I'll go back to being alone, Lexa will go back to being her mother bugs at let down, and Em will be Serena and Emily's disobedient pet. We're in deep shit right now, and only Em has a shovel.

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