Chapter 17 (Freedom and fighting)

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Ems POV (angry lil thing)

"Now what are the odds that this many people would get out this early? I bet it's smaller odds than the chance of two leaders getting together, who have the exact same life story. Emily jr and Alexander jr, both named after a parent who hurt them trying to make them a great leader. Also have a best friend they would gladly die for, and is their second in command despite proving multiple times that they don't deserve such a title. Is there even a difference between you two, or are you the secretly the same person?" Ace talks smugly, making me want to smack him.

"Don't call me Emily, it's Em!" I hiss at the same time Zane growls, "it's Zane."

"Oh look at you two furthering my point. Let me guess the only people who get away with calling you anything else is your bestfriend, or each other?" Ace asks still just as smug.

"FIGHT ME!" I shout.

"Of course darling. Id love to see how you've grown since we last dueled," ace replies. I'll show him how much I've improved. As long as he hasn't also improved I can easily beat him.

"But not right now. You need to talk to meep first," ace adds making me grown in annoyance. I hold back a complaint and continue to follow him. Behind us everyone talks nervously. I've already got a pretty good guess about the explanation meep will give so I'm not feeling very afraid of that. Good thing, as now I have time to worry about the adults.

"You seem awfully calm Em. Not surprised by anything that's happened yet?" Ace questions.

"Before the murderings occurred you warned me not to believe everything the scientist claim to do. It was kind of a big give away. So why did you go along with faking the murderings?" I counter.

"I want them to find a cure, and I'm willing to do what it takes to help them make that happen," Ace answers.

"Even lie to me?"

"I suppose. I don't want to lie to you Emmy, but I will if I have to."

"Like when you lied about BEING OKAY WITH ME BRINGING A BEAR!" I shout suddenly surprising him. That's right I haven't forgotten the day you killed BARRY'S mother!

"I thought you were joking about finding a bear, and if I hadn't kill it then it would of killed you!" He argues. I humph loudly as I turn away from him. Deciding that I'm done talking to him I move over to Henry. Despite the way we act and argue frequently were actually close friends. Well as close as you can be after having not talked for two years.... Or at least not having been caught talking.

"How you doing hen?" I ask.

"Hen?" He questions, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, since you're a chicken right, and you love cocks," I reply, making him scowl at me, but I can see him holding back a laugh.

"At least I like cocks and not a dick," he retorts pointing towards Zane. Luckily he's to busy being star-struck by ace to hear him. I laugh easily in response.

"How's that std you got from Jake?" I snap back.

"He's clean!"

"Really? I would of thought you're both rather dirty." Henry's laughter at the reply makes me laugh too, and soon everyone is looking at us like we're crazy. Perhaps we are. We're all just found out our parents are alive and yet the two of us are laughing easily.

"Better get used to the judgmental looks. I'm sure the adults will give us plenty," I joke.

"I don't have a family, so I'm not to worried about that," Henry replies. True enough he was placed in the kill zone without any family members, so unlike the rest of us he didn't have much to worry about with the adults being alive again.

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