Chapter 4 (Coyotes in the North)

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Authors note: I didn't plan to post this so soon, but I sad and last time I was sad I stopped writing so this time I figured I'll just write to cover up my sadness. Woooo please comment and vote and as always CONTINUE READING

Note 3

I've finally decided what I have to do. I wish I could tell Lexa but she wouldn't understand.

guess who's pov it is! (Ems pov) sorry if it's a little confusing but she's going to be quite a mystery for like this entire story so she's not going to be giving details. Also comment or vote for a free pocket size character!

After only five hours I'd already figured our exactly what id need to do to make sure everyone I cared about survived. Of course for now it's just a back up plan but you can never be to safe.

I silently walk past jakes door just incase he's in there, but I've got a good guess he's a little busy hiding from Zane. Honestly sometimes being a genius and knowing practically everything instantly could be useful.

I shove open Zane's door somehow managing to not make a sound. Without any nervousness I take the thing I need out of a box in his closet, before sliding it under his bed. I'll grab it when I leave his room later.

Letting my footsteps slap loudly I wander towards the end of the hall. A conversation between Henry and Zane slips into my ears as I lean against the wall.

"Emvys to smart!" Henry hisses not even bothering to keep his voice down, a big mistake.

"I heard that you were talking shit and you didn't think that I would hear it," I sing lazily under my breath before walking away. Now now Henry you just like to get in my way.

Zane's pov (fluff alert prolly)

"Jakes what time is it?" I ask startling him awake. Usually I'd be upset that he's sleeping during this but it's extremely late and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at some point too.

"Umm, 4. So what did you decide to do about the coyote problem?" I look over at him lazily staring At his blood stained pants. At least he had thought to change his shirt.

The idiot had tried to save a bleeding out fox from a group of coyotes but all he managed was to get blood soaked and to bring angry coyotes to the camp. I wasn't to concerned about it except for the fact that he had put himself at risk.

"Come here," i motion him over with my hand to get him to move faster.

"I was in no danger," he argues but nonetheless stands up and walks over. I stand up too and wrap my arms around him as he does the same.

"Idiot don't worry me like that," I reply. At the end of the day he was my best friend, no mater what we go through as a leader and follower.

"You were really pissy today," he whines and tightens his hold on me.

"You pissed me off a lot,"I lightly growl back getting a little annoyed. Does he not understand how much I have to do to keep him and everyone else who's important alive, and him fucking it up all the time doesn't help.

Theres a long silence before he pulls away. We stand just staring at each other for a moment before he drops his head.

I barely even hear the words he mumbles next,
"You weren't such a prissy person before you became the leader." I walk around him and straight to my door shutting it and locking it.

When I turn back around he hasn't moved but his breathing is uneven.

"Come here," I order and slowly jakes walks over.

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