Chapter 7 (Lexa's morals)

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Author note: this chapter is a little short but ayyyyyyyyyy comment vote and CONTINUE READING:


"So seeing as you've asked more question Than I ever thought possible, why don't you answer mine. You trying to get out of here too?" I ask the king making everyone fall silent. It's a pretty much a known rule that we don't mention this topic.

"I suppose you got a message too then?" The king counters.

"We all did. The only logic thing to do is to listen and considering how far you are from your kingdom id say your taking the note pretty seriously. Let me guess you were heading to the Norths to make some sorta pact to help each other escape. On your way there you hunted down wolves who ran and that's why their here and attacking coyotes. Well news flash you're a little to late to work with the Norths. I got there first." I reply. Nobody would ruin my plan.

"What note? What's are you talking about Em?" Lexa questions making me role my eyes. I might love that girl but some times she just so annoying.

"Lexa when I took up leading found a note that said we have three years to escape the kill zone and anyone who doesn't escape dies, so I made the choice that I would get everyone I care about out of the kill zone," I explain quickly.

"And what about the people you don't care about? You're just going to leave them to die!" She shouts back making me roll my eyes.

"I can't save everyone," I retort.


"Fine! Stay behind and die with everyone else them," I snap back before taking in the way everyone looks. Zane is unreadable, Jake looks about the same as Lexa but he cares about zane to much to speak against our plan. Lexa Is obviously furious and she gives me one more glare before crossing the room to go be alone with Rosamund in the corner. I consider going over and apologizing and explaining myself to her but decide against it when Lexa pushes Rosamund against a wall and starts a heavy make out session. Oh well she'll get over it.

"Well that went well," Zacharias says to me as Zane joins us. Currently everyone in here had formed three groups. Jake, Charles and Camilla as one, Zane previously with them, then Rosamund and Lexa, and also me, the twins and Zacharias. The groupings told me a lot about us. The twins were easily excited and always looking for a good time, currently I offered that. The king, Zacharias, was extremely curious, well he might pretend to not care he was horribly interested in me. Rosamund is cared more about people who are trustworthy than people who were interesting and therefore gravitated towards the ever moral Lexa. The couple with Jake would rather be alone with each other but are still willing to have friendly chats, just not ones as exciting as I offer. All in all everyone here was currently boring me.. Or maybe I was just sick of being stuck in here. Thanks to the heat everyone was shedding clothes. Only Lexa still wore a shirt, but she never got hot. On the bright side I think I know how to get rid of the heat. I walk over to the wall and start feeling it.

"Um are you," Rowan begins, "going crazy?" Ronan finishes.

"Nope," I reply as I push the button down. The wall slides open as Zacharias let's out a quite growl.

With the wall gone the rest of the shelter is exposed.

"Cassandra!" I shout as she rushes over to hug me.

"Woah! Hot partially naked bodies," she whispers in my ear as we hug which is a difficult thing to do given our almost a foot height difference. Zacharias and Cassandra were both 5'11.

"Any one else see the wall open?" Jake questions as he slowly walks over holding his stomach. With the amount of drugs Rosamund put in his system surprised he can even see anything.

"Yep, secret wall switch. Saw it when I was in the kingdom," I reply.

"Is there anything Cassandra didn't show you?" Zacharias growls in question.

"Umm you."

"Well cats out the bag! It's a lot cooler in there, let's go!" Charles announces as he rushes over into the other area with Camilla and Jake following.

"It feels so good in here," Camilla sighs in pleasure. I take that as my cue to come join them. An escape from the heat sounds great.

Author note: so from here on this chapters mostly filler soooooo if you don't wanna you could skip past it

"Well Charles and Camillia it's nice to meet both of you and your wonderful bodies," I say to the couple as I clearly check them out. Not that I'm interested though there's only one guys whose body is ever on my mind. Speaking of the devil.

"Shouldn't of helped it cool down, people are going to start putting clothes on now," Zane complains. Yeah people like me. I roll my eyes before doing just as he said. Once I have my sweatshirt back on I hear Jake sigh, and notice Charles has put his shirt back on.

"Sorry to disappoint but it's getting cool now," Charles says flirty to Jake gaining him a jab In the ribs from Camilla who still lacked a shirt.

"Oh please the only disappointing that happened was Em putting on a sweatshirt," Jake retorts.

"Oh please. You like my body. Everyone does," Charles retorts.

"Oh please," I reply sassily before winking at him.

"Not you to," Jake mumbles as Zane slips his shirt back on. Damn.

"Oh great now I'm the slut. You people and you're putting your cloths back on. You're all boring," Camilla announces but none the less puts her shirt back on.

"It's cool in here!" I counter.

"Whatever," she replies rolling her eyes. Fine two can play this game.

"Don't wanna be boring? Then let's do something," I offer.

"Like what?" She questions suspiciously. I smile mischievously before leaving close to whisper my idea in her ear.

Lucy POV (small child back at camp north)

"I'll snap you're neck if you touch me again," William growls at Henry. I don't understand why he's so grumpy. Maybe he misses Em. I know I do.

"Why don't you just calm down," Henry replies calmly. I like him he's nice.

"If Em isn't back by the end of tomorrow, then all of us are leaving," William snaps back.

"That's not what Em would want!" 14 year old Avery shouts at William.

"Shut up!" He shouts back, as Josh joins the small group of us in this area. I don't like josh. He's mean to me.

"Relax. All we need to do is wait for Em and Zane to not come back and then we can go back to fighting all we want," Josh says cockily. Like he could kill everyone here! Em would never let him!                  But she's not here now is she. I sniffle as I worry about her. Em has to come back! We need her.

"Both of them are going to come back! Along with Jake and Lexa!" Henry suddenly snaps.

"And if they don't?" Josh asks dangerously.

"Fuck you! They'll be back!" Henry shouts as he takes a step closer to Josh, making me flinch. What if Henry isn't nice like I thought he was. What if he's going to be just as mean as Josh or William. I sniffle more barely holding in tears. I need Em. When William lunges at Henry I let my tears out. With every hit William lands on Henry's body my sobs get harder. I want Em. I need Em. Without her we're all going to die, and people are going to hurt me again!

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