Prolouge (Nothing)

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STORY BEING WRITTEN FOR MY smackdragon  I love you and happy bday for now until the story is over. Btw readers please vote comment and CONTINUE READING
Note 1
My names Emvy, but I go by Em. I'm the best friend of Lexa. We live in a place called the kill zone, well actually the real name was something Latin but all of the people who are still around call it the kill zone. There isn't many of us around anymore. After the murdering there's so few of us alive. Anyhow, we live here with quite a few other groups of people. Me and Lexa are Souths, used to be led by Lexa's mom Serena. We're currently at war with the Norths (civil war all over again, anyone?haha am I right?) Hence why we call this place the kill zone. . We're kind of at a stand still now that so many people have died. Well I guess that's really all that's currently going on-- I suppose I could fill you in on why we're in the Kill zone though. Outside of the kill zone people are becoming diseased, called givers when it happens, so that they go insane and attack everything. A select few of us, though, are immunes. Those few immunes; are us in the kill zone. We're here so that they can find a cure using us, but so far the only one they have found is to take our dead bodies and drain our blood and to give it to the givers. Continuing, as you might have realized the only cure involving us being dead doesn't mean the best for our survival when they're killing for the cure. I've already explained this to everyone I could, but I don't know how well they really understood it, so I figured I'd leave a note behind so when people of the future come to dig up our history they'll get the full story. Look out for more notes future people.

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