Chapter 16 (love at the end)

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Note 8

We're so close to getting out of here, but so many people have died. I miss Will.

Henry's POV.

I meet jakes eyes as I walk closer. I might regret what I'm about to do later, but right now I know it's what I want. I can't live without him, well I can, but it's not a life worth living. I only wish I hadn't slept with Rowan. What was I thinking?

"If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever," I finish. Before practically throwing myself into his arms.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too," I whisper back and for this moment we're okay. We might be about to walk out of the only thing we ever known in a few minutes but right now that doesn't matter, and as long as Jake is at my side I'm ready to walk out of here.

"This was a hell of a way to start a relationship," I joke making him chuckle lightly.

"What took you so long to follow after me?"  He questions, softly poking me in the ribs.

"I was making sure you would be far enough away from Zane. I don't need your guard dog chewing me up just because you're a slut," I reply.

"You like that I'm slutty," he counters.

"Maybe, but I don't want to do death by  Zane to prove it," I retort.

"Well how about we have sex instead to prove it?" 

"No! There's no way someone won't notice if we do that!"

"Okay then how about we just cuddle."

"Cuddling never ends with cuddling!"



He pulls me closer to his body before whispering in my ear, "please."


Lexas POV

Is it bad that I might of just had sex when seven people could do easily found us. I still can't believe Rosamund agreed. She likes to act all innocent but she isn't.

"Stop think pervy," Rosamund flicks my nose, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I wasn't!" I protest even though I definitely  was.

"Smells like bullshit, sounds like bullshit, hmm I wonder if it tastes like bull shit," she captures my lips in a kiss before continuing talking, "yep bullshit."

I smile as I say, "you're cute when your sassy."

"It's good that I'm always sassy then," she responds.

We continue our little banter until we're both just mumbling responses, to tired to actually speak coherently.

"Lex wake up," Rosamund mumbles shaking my shoulder gently. Letting out a groan I open my eyes. Judging by the sun assaulting my eyes I'd say it's morning which means it's time to exit the kill zone. (Duh duh duhhhhhhh)

Zane POV (MINE MINE MINE! Are you the seagulls from nemo, Zane?)

I managed to get Jake alone again by waking him up before Henry woke up. The two of them seem to have moved past whatever problem they had before.

"Alex, why are you a acting like you used it before you had it start leading?" Jake questions sleepily. Habit almost makes me snap at him for calling me Alex but I managed to stop myself.

"I was thinking about it and once were out of here, I'm not really going to be a leader anymore. So I guess I'm just feeling less stressed," I explain. He nods his head like he understands but I'm pretty sure he's just trying to see if he can fall asleep again. Oh well, I don't need him to pay understand.

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