Chapter 15 (Its because I dont love you)

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Jakes POV
"It's because I don't love you," Henry answers. The softness of his voice the worst sound I've ever heard. I broke him.

"Henry," I plead.





"I can't!" He shouts back. I never expected after spending so long hurting him by not loving him that this would happen. That id be the one In love watching him hurt me, but I pushed him to far and he broke.

"You can't just stop yourself from loving me. It hurts but you can't!" I argue.

"Please don't do this to me anymore. I can't take any more," he replies.

"I'm sorry, but I'm too selfish to let you go now. I know I hurt you. Really really hurt you, but I can change. I swear I can change!"

"No!" He shouts surprising me, "don't make me regret what I've done. I can't love you any more!" He adds.

"We can be sluts together now," I joke, but he doesn't laugh.


The words all it takes. I can't hurt him anymore, no matter how much I wish I could, I can't. I love him too much now. I can't hurt him, I just can't, so I'll let him go. 

"Okay. I'll leave you alone. What is it people used to say. If you love something let it go?"

Lexa POV (good to have you back bb)

I can't believe how good it feels to be back with Em. I knew I missed her but I didn't know just how much until we had reunited. She hadn't brought the happiest of greetings though as the first thing she did was tell me that will is dead. I quickly informed her that I had also had people die during my attempt to escape, and we were able to console each other. Next she filled me in on the plan. Get me, Jake and Henry out of here and then they'd go back and save everyone else. Probably a horrible idea but I don't have a better one so its the one we're stuck with. She had also filled me in on the drama I've missed. Apparently I should avoid running into either Jake or Henry, and should be on the look out for Josh's return. Yeah, he had left, but Em was pretty sure he'd be back really soon. Well, I guess it's time to get going.

I walk off to find Em and Zane, only to find myself breaking the pieces of advice Em had given me. Somehow I managed to find the one spot where Henry, Jake, and josh all were.

"What the-" I begin but am cut off by Henry asking, "is this the day for everyone to return? Should I expect Jesus to show up next!"

"Where is Em?" Josh questions ignoring Henry. I hate my life. Why did everything have to happen to me! I was just going to find Em and Zane and ask when we're leaving. A simple task! A danger free task! But of course not. No I have to run into every ounce of possible trouble on my way!

"Well I guess you missed me too much to stay away," I joke trying to stop any fight that might start. Dammit. Where is Em! That's certainly the question of the day!

Suddenly my bad luck finally went away, as Em and Zane walk over to us. Jake and Henry both audibly sigh in relief.

"Woah woah, lookie lookie its joshie," Em sings playfully.

"Knock it off. We have stuff to do," Josh snaps back as Em moves to stand in front of him. Zane staying away. Obviously standing between Jake and Henry.

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