Chapter 2 (Sleeping with the enemy... Or maybe just living with them)

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Still for smackdragon Authors note: if this isn't making any sense yet that's okay I plan to explain soon enough. Like literally in the next chapter. Pictured is Jake. Just ignore the pointy ears. NOW PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT.... CONTINUE READING.

Note 6
I really need to tell you that  I'm not the best at sharing secrets but I promise I really gave my best attempt. Now my fault Lexa didn't listen. Not my fault no one paid attention. Nothing that's happens is my fault. I TRIED!  Since I know people are going to be hearing about what I caused, I thought I'd add this note to justify myself. What's happened isn't what I wanted and people might think I could of stopped it, and maybe I could of, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we survive this. I guess I'm getting ahead of us though; I'll write about what we have to do now soon enough.

                        2 years later

"In 24 hours were going to be entering a full blown war, and you want to go talk to one of the enemy?" Josh asks, utterly shocked. By now I know why Em wants to talk with the Norths, but Josh is too stupid to understand Ems plan. He doesn't realize just how brilliant Em is.

"We're the two most powerful tribes, it's only logical we pair up," Em attempts to explain. Her blonde hair is flawless today and it makes her look even more fierce than usual. On days like this I always end up thinking back to the past. 24 months ago Em looked like an angel with her hair flowing perfectly as she calmly planned out the worst war that ever happened in the Killzone. 24 months ago I killed two people and everyone around me paid the price while angelic looking Em did everything she could to lessen the damage the price would do. It took a long time but eventually I managed to begin to forgive myself for my mistakes, but I couldn't of done that if angelic Em hadn't been there for me. Then again angelic Em had needed me just as much as I needed her. I killed two people, but she planned the death of hundreds. Neither of us could just get over that easily. Ems amazing though, she did what she had to for her people and she learned to keep being happy and caring through anything. Then she taught me to do the same.

"We have also been at war for the last 2 years," Will adds in argument pulling Em out of my thoughts. I don't have time to think back on the past right now. We have a future to worry about. Over the last two years , Em, Josh, Will and I had become the leaders, thanks to the murderings of course. Em is the only real leader though.

The murderings was when all of the adults were killed, it happened about a month after we declared war on the Norths. Em had become are main leader as she was the most logical choice and my parents left a letter declaring her so. Plus she was the only one who was able to explaining the murderings. I didn't really listen but something about protecting us from a disease that had affected all the adults. It was awful but we couldn't stop it so no real reason to think about it not.
Josh was the oldest and strongest in our tribe so obviously he was involved in all our decisions. He usually disagreed, though, as his solution to everything is to fight. William was the next oldest In our tribe, and well dim-witted and rude sometimes, he was still great at bringing Em to reality. Then there's me Lexa, daughter of the past tribe leader, it was my right to lead us, but Em was the better choice and bright now I'm  happy just offering opinions to Her.

"... It will work out," Em finishes what ever she was saying, bringing me back to reality. Dammit I spaced out again. Em might of taught me how to be okay with doing what I have to, but she definitely never taught Em how to focus. Two years of leading and I still suck at it.

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