N.T. Act-2

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and now, i hide for another nine days.


Leaving Adele alone wasn’t Jun’s ideal plan, but he couldn’t very well drag the newborn around the coven and mother certainly wouldn’t be pleased to see something she didn’t create before her. No, he’d just…Fabricate some stuff. He’d say that he turned him, rather than he found the boy randomly in the forest. It was amazing just how…Not ferocious he was. Though…He could be tearing the room up right now as Jun walked towards his creator. Just please, don’t make noise.

Jun paused, here it was. Behind this wooden door stood the woman who controlled everything in this coven, though Jun was one of her favored children, he still got nervous around her, for if she decided just on a whim he would cease to exist. She was much more powerful than he and much older as well.

He rapped his knuckles to the door, taking in unneeded air as he stood there momentarily. Just please let her allow this once. Jun knew others who tried to introduce others to the coven he’d seen plenty of the young slaughtered, he’d taken part in some of the executions himself. He felt no pity for those creatures, yet Adele he didn’t want anything to happen to.

“Come in.” Such a soft yet powerful voice, it caused Jun to wince even though it was barely over a whisper.

Slowly he opened the door and stepped in, those ancient eyes pierced him instantly, mother’s nostrils flared for a moment, fury burning in her dulled red eyes, “What is this I smell?” She hissed her auburn hair falling over her like a bright flame, the color matched her dark eyes, “You’ve been out?”

After swallowing a lump down his throat Jun nodded his head at the woman, “Yes I did…” He whispered he frowned at how pitiful he sounded, “Mother! I…Found something…This morning.”

Her eyes become intrigued, she slowly stepped towards Jun, her hand reaching out towards his face, “What did you find my dear child.”

Jun eyed her hand cautiously, he knew what may happen as soon as he uttered his next words, “A newborn…I brought him here.” Those fingers burned his face as the woman slapped him, snapping his head to the side. “He-“

“You brought a new born you found?!”

Clearly he should have gone with the other plan…”He isn’t like what you’d think.” Jun eyes narrowed slightly as he watched that hand once again, but mother had pulled it back to herself. “I…I want him to stay here.”

Mother drew in a breath through her teeth, “You know how they are-“

“I’ve been with him for a while now, he hasn’t shown any threat.” Jun’s wasn’t one to defy mother, but he didn’t want to be the one to stake Adele, he didn’t want anyone to stake Adele for that matter. A boy he’d only known for a couple hours and he already felt this strongly towards it, he might as well have been the one to change him.

Those red eyes grew suspicious as they watched Jun closely, “He isn’t even one of our own.”

Jun bit back a snarl that was rising in his throat, “He could be, if we let him.”

Mother tilted her head, shock etched into her pale face, “Who created him Jun?” She delicately placed her hand upon the cheek she had slapped, she rubbed it slightly causing the pain to come back, “There are many beasts who he could take after.”

This was true; those who changed the human definitely shaped them. As the months go on from their changing they will shape more and more into what they’re true masters are like. But Jun could influence Adele…Or rather he could try. They all could, everyone in the coven. Adele may become like his creator, but he’ll also have a bit of himself mixed in with it.

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