Chapter Eighteen

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A few weeks passed, happily and uneventful. Patrick and I existed in perfect harmony, much to the annoyance of the rest of our friends, and I started talking to my dad on a regular basis. I woke up everyday feeling happy, and couldn't wait to start the day. I even had my first jump at the B-SAC! Life was perfection. Have I used the word perfect too much? Anyways, the days were coming in close to Patrick's 18th birthday, and the biggest and only struggle in my life, was trying to figure out what the hell to get him for his birthday. I hadn't known him that long, but as his girlfriend, I was obligated to buy one kick ass present. The struggle I tell ya, the struggle..

"Meg, you have to give me a hint!" I whine, following Meg around the B-SAC like a lost puppy dog. 

"He's your boyfriend!" Meg replied. "You have to figure it out yourself, pretend I don't even exist." Meg sat down in a section of grass and began to pull weeds from the shrubbery next to her. I fell to my knees right next to her, and grasped my hands together, like in prayer. 

"Please, I'm begging you. I am the worst gift giver in the history of the universe, please. I need you." I pouted my lower lip and gave Meg my best attempt at puppy dog eyes, but she shook her head.

"Rae, you've managed to hold your own with Patrick this far, why start now?" Meg asked. "That's a compliment, Rae. Now, leave me alone and go brainstorm. You've only got five days."

I left Meg's side, feeling defeated and still out of ideas. When I returned to the guard room, I was sent home, which I decided was a sign so that I could go out and find the most perfect birthday present. So, I happily skipped out of B-SAC and headed for the main drag of Snow Beach, where all the shops were. Dutifully, though, I stopped at the cupcake shop to visit Patrick first.

"Rae, hi," Patrick said when I walked in. There was something off with his tone of voice, the way he said hi, like he was nervous.I gave him a weird look, but Patrick wouldn't even make eye contact with me.

"You okay?" I asked, walking up to the counter where he couldn't avoid eye contact. Patrick desperately looked around, looking for a customer to serve or a cupcake to decorate, but there was nothing. I was the only one in the shop. My heart started beating fast, trying to figure out what I did wrong, or maybe what Patrick did wrong, trying to figure out what was making him act this way.

"Rae, I think you should go," Patrick said and my heart dropped to the floor, 

"Why, what's wrong?" I whimpered.

"Nothing, Rae. Absolutely nothing, I just have something I need to do, and I don't think you should be here."

"You're selling cupcake, what possible could there be to-" my rant was interrupted by a customer walking in. I turned around to see who was coming in, and was surprised to see Brad sauntering in. The God that was my mom's boyfriend walked in like he was on Cloud Nine, and he smiled brightly when he saw me. 

"Rae, I shoul have known you would be here!" he smiled and I tried to smile back. I liked Brad, but my heart was still heart from whatever Patrick's deal was. "Patrick, can i get my order please?"

"Right away," Patrick replied and scurried to the back. 

"I'm actually very glad you're here," Brad said, leading me over to a chair. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Alright, shoot," I shrugged. Patrick came out of the back and Brad gestured him over, carrying with him one small cupcake box. Brad and Patrick exchanged a box for a credit card, and Brad handed me the box.

"Open it," Brad smiled. I looked at him curiously, but opened the box anyways. After opening it, I almost immediately regretted it. My jaw dropped, and my whole body went numb. Inside the box, was a white cupcake, decorated beautifully in silver edible beads and white elegant patterns, and right in the middle was the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen. I gaped at the ring for what felt like hours, my jaw open, and flies probably flying in.

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