Chapter Nine

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Later that night, when Lance picked me up for our date, I was none in the mood for his flirting. I felt bad enough about Patrick, and that last thing I wanted to do was have to continually shoot down Lance over and over and over and... you get it. Nonethless, I answered my door with a smile on my face to which Lance answered back equally. I wonder how forced his smile was in comparison to mine.

"Wow, Rae, you look hot!" Lance smiled. I smiled and chuckled awkwardly and thanked him. Being called hot was never exactly my favorite thing. "Ready to go?" I nodded and Lance took me to his car.

Lance opened the car door for me, which I gave him great credit for. While Lance was no Prince Charming, he was very kind. By no means do I want to make Lance sound like a villain. Which was just another thing that I felt bad about; that there just wasn't anything between me and Lance. 

Unfortunately, it would take Lance the whole evening to realize that.

"Hi, Welcome to the Bridge, I'm Leah and I'll be taking your order. Hey weren't you-" the same waitress who waited on me and Patrick introduced herself. I quickly shook my head and she took the hint, and said nothing more about me and Patrick. 

"Did we miss the half price apps?" Lance questioned and the waitress nodded her head."Shit," he muttered. "Well I'll have a coke and she'll have a-?"

"Water." I would not be taking advantage of Lance. Dinner would be water and a side salad.

"So, tell me about Washington," Lance said.

"Oregon," I corrected. "There's not much to say, though. It's cold. That's about it."

"It rains there like all the time, right?"

"No, again, that's Washington," I corrected awkwardly.

"Well, I hope you like it here. Snow Beach can be real kick ass. It's pretty warm here, so that'll be a ncie change for you!" Lance said excitedly. But I mean, really, were we talking about the weather? 

"Yeah, it's nice here. I'm really happy I've been able to meet you and everybody else. It's nice to have friends again," I laughed.

"Well some friends, some more than friends," Lance said, smirking. For a second, I thought he was referring to Patrick. I was about to reply when Lance's phone started to ring. Lance looked at me.

"Go ahead and take it," I said and Lance answered.

"Hey, Patrick, I'm kinda busy right now," Lance said. My heat jumped at hearing Patrick's name, which confused me. I quickly settled myself down.

"What the hell, why are you in Granton?" Lance said in the phone. "And no one else can come and get you? Jesus Christ, Patrick I'm on my way." Lance hung up the phone and turned to me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Dumb shit Patrick's car broke down an hour and a half away and I have to go get him," Lance replied. "We're gonna have to reschedule."

 "Lance, I don't think that's such a great idea," I said. "I've totally forgiven you for punching me."

"You're not feeling a second date?" Lance asked sadly and I pouted my lips and shook my head no. "Well it was worth a try, Thanks for the pity date."

"Lance I'm-"

"It's really okay, Rae. I can't force you to like me. Let me take you home."

Lance dropped me off at my door and I waved at him happily. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder and I happily skipped inside. The Lance problem had solved itself rather easily, I had cupcakes waiting at home, and I was strangely happy that I could tell Patrick that Lance was done. I had just sat down and started eating a cupcake when there was a knock on the door, because there always seems to be a knock on the door.

I looked out the window and instead of seeing Avery, Lance, Patrick, or someone who I would more often expect unexpectedly, there was a stranger at the door.The girl at the door had her back turned, but she had long straight black hair and a jean skirt on (which I thought were totally out). I opened the door and the girl turned to me.

"Rachael Petrov?" the girl asked. I nodded as i eyed the girl up and down. Her arms were crosed, her boobs were popping out, and her face was covered heavily in make up. She reminded me of myself when I first started wearing make up and tried to make myself look sexy. It was through that realization that I realized who was on my porch.

"Jo?" I asked.

"Josie. Or Josephine," she corrected. "I don't go by a boy's name." I disliked her instantly. 

"Well what can I help you with, Josephine?" I asked, crossing my arms, mirroring her. 

"Bridgette said she saw you at the Bridge with Pat earlier tonight, is that true?" Jo asked. I raise my eyebrow at her, giving her my greatest bitch look.

"Considering the fact that I don't know who Bridgette is, or really you for that matter, I don't think that's any of your business," I replied. Jo's rebuttle was an even more tantalizing bitch look as she took a step towards me. Her platform heels allowed her to hover over me as she stuck out a finger.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but Pat is mine. And if you value your life, you would stay away from him," she stated. I had to stifle my laugh from her threat. I'm mean honestly, did she seem like a girl who could kick an ass? No. Definitely no.

"Well, you can tell your friend Bridgette that yes, I was at the Bridge with Patrick, " I replied, giving not a fuck what Jo would do to me.

"And are you dating him?" She asked, apalled. I was about to answer when I realized my reply wouldn't make her angry. I struggled to find words for a moment. "Well, are you or not?"

"Not," I replied sadly. Jo smirked at me and her arms folded once more.

"Good. Let's keep it that way, and you and I will get along just peachily," she smiled. "See you, Rachael!" The girl turned and walked away, swaying her ass a little too forcibly. 

"It's Rae, actually!" I called after her.

"Whatever." My eyebrow raised again and I sneered at the girl. I shut the door angrily and went back to my seat, grabbing my cupcake. I quickly mentally reviewed shit that just went down.

A. I need to stop answering the fucking door. Only bad things come from it. 

B. Jo is a crazy bitch. 

C. Why did I want to tell Jo I was dating Patrick so badly?

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