Chapter 8: Cherrapunji Mysteries

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Chapter 8:

“Did you know that some people believed that The Lost City of Atlantis used to exist where the Bermuda Triangle was currently located?” Mr. Odefield said. He was leading the group to the forest ranger’s campsite while the rest was trudging. Yes, trudging. We have been walking for years now. Okay, maybe for an hour or two, but still.

“I didn’t know that” Luke whispered. Mr. Odefield has been giving us fun facts ever since we got off the bus and every time he gives a fun fact, Luke would whisper to me that he doesn’t know it.

Mr. Odefield continued explaining Bermuda Triangle and its mysteries.

We were now again part of the line and moving in with the rest of the class.

“How long do we have to walk?” Luke whined. He has been like that ever since we finished lunch.

I smiled at him. “Don’t worry, just two more miles.” I pointed to the sign at the left.

He groaned but he kept walking. He walked very quickly because I realized I was behind him now.

Luke was very tall with his dishevelled blonde hair. His back was so straight and his scrawny figure can still be seen even with his big gray hoodie.

I caught up with him and said, “I’m just wondering why you don’t have the school’s jacket?”

He chuckled. “We’ve been together for half a day and you’re just asking me that now?”

 I blushed. “I just noticed it when you walked in front of me”

“I’m sorry. Buddies should walk next to each other” he replied, smiling.

When Luke smiles, sometimes his dimple shows and sometimes it’s nowhere to be found.

One of Luke’s mysteries. Just like the Bermuda Triangle.


Luke and I played PANTS where P stands for Places, A for Animals, N for names, T for things and S for the score. In the game, you should always start alphabetically. I won by answering Zimbabwe in P for the letter Z. We were about to go back to the letter A again when a girl in front of us screamed that we were at the campsite.

We looked up and saw the big, rusty welcome sign. It says, “Welcome to Camp Cherrapunji!”

Mr. Odefield blew his whistle then positioned himself in front of the sign.

“Meet Camp Cherrapunji’s owner and director, Mr. Renaldo Rimes!” he announced like a basketball player commentator.

A small man wearing a khaki outfit just like Mr. Odefield came out. He has big bushy white beard that reaches up to his chest. He had a very friendly smile on his face.

“Hello campers from Redwood Preparatory! I’m Renaldo Rimes and I welcome you to Camp Cherrapunji!”

I noticed Mr. Rimes has an Indian accent.

“I like Mr. Rimes already” Luke whispered to me. I nodded. I like him too.

After a few pointers and what nots, we finally got moving to the real campsite. The real campsite consists of trees, the ground, a bonfire, stars and more trees.

My kind of camp. I smiled to myself.

“The way to your campsite is very tricky and you can get lost easily. I want you to stay within your group and your buddies.” Mr. Rimes reminded us.

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