Chapter 1: Does Calum Hood live here?

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Chapter 1

"Can you put the amplifiers over there?" the girl with red streaks in her hair said, pointing at the side of the stage.

I nodded and took the big amplifier with both of my hands. Boy, are these heavy!

"Excuse me? Part of the band?" a guy with curly hair and a clipboard asked.

"No. I'm part of the crew. My name's-" I replied. I was balancing the big amplifier on both of my hands.

"Crew? At the back please" he said before storming off. Wow, that was rude. I shrugged and then went at the back.

You may be wondering who I am, where I am and what I'm doing. Okay, let me introduce myself first. My name's Teddy Aspen, I'm a Capricorn and I am at a stadium right now, preparing the stuff for my school's band performance competition. And like you already know, I'm part of the crew. The band is already full so I'm a part of the crew.

"Hey Teddy! Gina needs you!" my crew mate, George, called out. George is a big guy with a protruding belly and red wavy locks. He kinda reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

Gina is the head leader of this trip. She's like the teacher in a field trip. Gina said to bring out the instruments from the other van from school. I got out all the instruments and equipments from the other van.

After a few hours of installing everything in its place we finally got to finish and watch the performance. My school's band is really good. I really hope we win.

After the performance.....

"Okay, everything and everyone in the van!" Gina clapped her hands to get our attention.

We piled in with the equipments. It was beginning to get dark now. Everyone was a little dejected that we didn't win but at least we had fun.

"Lenny? Can we hurry up? They're going to have the new York deli for dinner tonight" my crew mate, Paul told our driver, Lenny.

Our school, the Redwood Preparatory is a boarding school. Yes, I study at a boarding school. Every night, dinnertime starts 6:30 and the cafeteria will close at 9 pm because 10 pm is lights out. Lights out is where all the dorms and cabins are closed and no one is allowed in and out.

We finally made it to Redwood and it was only just 7:55. Everyone said their congratulations and good nights and went to the dining hall or back to their rooms.

I was out last of the van because everyone pushed each other just to catch the New York Deli.

"Hey Teddy?" Louise called out. She was balancing a trumpet case and a guitar case and a violin case.

"Hey Louise. Need help?" I offered. She then handed me the guitar.

"That's why I called you. I need help." she chuckled. "Calum Hood. Can you give it to him? Please?" Louise panted.

Teddy, say no. You have to get your dinner and catch up on your lessons. Say no.

"Yeah sure. Where does this Calum live?" I gave in. I can never really say no to people.

"I'm not sure. Maybe you could check the dining hall" she said, before waving good bye and left.

I looked at the guitar case and saw Calum Hood written on it. Now I have to find this Calum Hood. I don't even know that guy.

I walked and walked and walked and finally got to our school's dining hall and opened the huge double doors that led to the dining hall. It wasn't that crowded like always. Most of the students have microwave inside their rooms anyway. I scanned the dining hall and saw the huge clock at the dining hall it said 8:30.

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