Chapter 75: Crash and Burn

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I apologise for how short this is...


[Shane's POV]

I listened to what Joey was saying to Luke. Joey smashing the glass off the wall woke me.

"No Luke! I won't calm down!" Joey screamed.

The next thing I heard was Joey leaving the apartment, slamming the door.

I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I stood at the sink, threw water on my face and just thought about absolutely everything.

Luke came into the room.

Luke: Shane, you ok?

Shane: yeah...

Luke: Why aren't you in bed...

Shane: The commotion...

Luke:  Joey just got a little mad...that's all.

Shane: Where'd he go?

Luke: He didn't say.

[Joey's POV]

I wasn't quite sure where I was going, I had an idea to go to Lisa's...

No. I can't go! I have to stop with the drama...

I just kept driving.

[Shane's POV]

Shane: Do you mind taking me somewhere?

Luke: Where do you want to go?

Shane: My moms...

Luke: Sure! Need help?

Shane: I'll do fine on my own! Thanks.

[Joey's POV]

I stopped the car and parked in a lay by.

My hands were still on the wheel. The ring caught my eye.

"I know where to go." I said to myself aloud.

I quickly started the car again and drove.

[Shane's POV]

Luke: You'll have to give me directions!

Shane: No problem.

We got down to the garage, I came to a holt. I was in the exact spot I was stabbed. 

Luke: Shane? Have your feet stopped working or?

Shane: This is where...where it...

Luke came to my side, and tried moving me away. I wouldn't move.

Luke: C'mon Shane, don't stay here...

I pulled up my shirt and looked down at my stitched torso.

Luke: hey hey hey! Shane...

I was picturing what happened, like I had done in the apartment.


"Are you Shane Dawson?"


Pain. Falling. Blood. Getting up, seeing Joey devastated and running to me crying.


Luke: Shane! Are you having another panic attack?!

Shane: How did he know my name?

Luke: What? Who?

Shane: He asked me my name, Shane Dawson. He asked if I was Shane Dawson.

Luke: The stabber?

Shane: The asshole on the plane.

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