Chapter 36

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Sabrina POV
Me and Bradley are getting ready to go take a walk in the park. The doctor said that its healthy for me and the baby to stay active. Me and Bradley were heading out to go to the park wen all of a sudden I was really craving some French fries from In-n-out.
"French fries please" I beg to Bradley
"Of course.." He says
After we got our food we headed to the park. Wen we got to the park it was beautiful here. There was this pretty open field I was imagining Bradley and my son playing football on and life was just perfect at the moment. We got farther into the park wen we came a crossed a concession Bradley went over to get me a water and I stood on the bridge. Wen all of a sudden I got a really sharp pain in my stomach.
"Ow ow ow ow BRADLEY" I yell and he comes running over
"I need and ambulance" he yells
2 hours later
Me and Bradley have been at the doctors lately and all the doctor has asked is if I have a history of cancer in my family and witch I have because my died passes away of cancer. After awhile the doctor came In.
"Mrs. Carpenter"
"Umm we ran some test and there seems to be some problems"
"What kinda problems I ask"
"Well if you continue this pregnancy there could be some issues"
"If you have this baby there's a chance of your life being taken or both of yours"
"I don't understand"
"If you have this baby there three chances you not making it or the baby not making it or you guys both making it and even possibly you both not making it. This is your choice. You guys are released to go home"
"What if we want to have an abortion" Bradley asked
"Call and make an appointment" the doctor says
Wen the doctor leave we get up and leave me avoiding Bradley cause of what he asked.
"You mad"
"Don't talk to me" i said storming out of the room
"Take it easy" he says walking up to me grabbing my arm and wrapping his arm around me
The whole car ride home was silent me just thinking about everything. We finally got home and we get inside. I remembered right before we left Bradley told me he had a surprise for me.
"I wanna see the surprise"
"Your on bed rest, you need to go rest"
"I wan see it" I start walking to the room and there it was a pretty white crip with baby blue blankets and "Munro" across the wall in blue letters and a white fuzzy carpet on the floor"
"I told you it was a good idea" he said
"It's perfect" I said
"Not if it means I loose you" he said
"You won't loose me"
"The doctor said there's a chance, and I can't take that chance"
"Bradley yes you can"
"..... You will still have apart of me"
"That's not enough.. I need you and you only. Sabrina I cast loose you cause if I loose you then I'm loosening my self in the process and damn it Sabrina you are my life and I love you"
"I love you too Bradley were gonna get through this I promise"
"No you gonna get you and her through this but step one in the process is getting in bed"
"You really Gonna make me stay in bed"
"That's what bed rest mean" he says as I roll my eyes at him
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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