Im pregnant

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Sarah POV
Peyton and I are on are way back up to the hospital. When we arrive I go to Sabrina room and see Bradley laying there holding Sabrina hand.
"Bradley" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear me
"Oh hey, when did you guys get hear?"
"A few min ago" I said
"Austin down stairs waiting for you he wants to go get breakfast with you" I said.
"No I'm not leaving her" Bradley announced
"Bradley I want to talk to her" I asked
After Bradley left I went by her and grabbed her hand while Peyton say next to be holding my shoulder.
"Hey B, I miss you" I said starting to cry. "Everyone is scared, you need to wake up please I need you. Your all I have. I need you to open your big beautiful blue eyes because this world is to big for you not to be here, and your gonna be an aunt, and I want you to be the godmother. So you have to wake up for me please for everyone, I need you Sabrina." I say looking at the floor crying.
"Sabrina we really need you and miss hearing your beautiful voice, please wake up. I love you" Peyton said looking at me smiling.
Bradley soon walks into the room. His eyes are red like he was crying.
"Austin wants to talk to Sabrina." Bradley said.
"Ya okay, we will wait outside." I say
Austin POV
"Hey thank you" I said walking into the room.
When everyone left the room I stood at the end of the bed and looked at her then started to tear up. I slowly stated walking over to sit by her.
"Hey Sabrina, Austin hear. I really need to talk to you about Bradley, he's hurting and I hate seeing my best friend like this. So I'm begging you to open those pretty blue eyes of yours and blow our minds away again with your amazing voice." I say crying.
"I love you and miss you Sabrina." I say.
"Wake up soon" I say walking out of the room.

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