What's wrong

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Bradley's POV
After last night me and Sabrina got in a fight when I confronted her about the text. She yelled at me and told me to stay out of her business and not to worry about and then she left and never came back I'm kinda worried I hope nothing happend and I hope she didn't go to that Josh guys house.
few moments later
I was in the kitchen cooking myself breakfast when I heard the door slam. I walked out of the kitchen slowly and see Sabrina. She's wearing black ripped jeans with these white boots and a all black plaid shirt. She had on a lot of black make-up and her hair was a dark black. Her make-up was smeared all over her face and her hair was all raty.
"What happend to you?" I asked
"here we go again"
"Again? Sabrina I want to be here for you. Talk to me"
"Ugh no thank you talking takes a lot of work and I'm tired I got no sleep last night with Josh I mean no sleep. You know what I mean" she said with a smirk
"NO I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. Did you cheat on me Sabrina?" I say crying
"No don't be so stupid. Stop crying you big baby" she said walking up to her room.
I wanted to call Sarah but her and Peyton went on a road trip and won't be back for 5 months. Sabrina mom sent us the contract to her house and know it's under me and Sabrina name.
"Sabrina breakfast is ready" I yell
She walked down stairs and she wearing all black. Black converse and black jeans and a black T-Shirt with a black plaid. Her hair is wavy and brushed out. She must of token a shower. She sits down at the table but she didn't sit next to me she sat across from me.
"So the hair?" I said
"What you don't like it"
"No I never said that its just different" I said
"Well I'm different."
"How?" I asked
"Well your dad dies and your whole world changes, the whole world changes your changing"  she said angry
We got done eating and she was grabbing her keys and purse and phone.
"Where you going?" I asked
"Out" she said
"Doesn't matter"
"Sabrina please"
She looked down and then walked out the door.
Little bit after that I called Jake and Jordan and invited them over. When they arrived we sat down at the kitchen table and we talked.
"So how's Sabrina?" Jordan asked
"Idk she doesn't talk to me. She's talking to this Josh dude"
"Wait. Are you guys still.." Jake asked
"Yes" as I cut Jake off
"So who's Josh?" Jake asked
"Idk some dude I don't think I'll like. He texted her the other night saying there's gonna be alcohol and weed at a party and that he loved her"  I said
"Why you still with her then" Jake asked
"Cause I love her and I can't leave her right now she needs me clearly"
"Clearly she's cheating" Jordan says
After while the boys decided to head out and they would keep in touch. After while Sabrina came home and right when she came in the door she ran into the wall.
"Sabrina are you drunk"
"Whatttt noooo." She said walking over to me and jumping on my lap. She then started kissing me and she took her shirt off. I was going along then I realized this wasn't Sabrina so I pulled her off and tried to find the Sabrina I know in her pretty blue eyes but they weren't blue they were black and she looked high as a kite.
"Sabrina stop" I say pulling her off
She looked at me confused "is this not what you want?" She said
"No I want The old Sabrina back" I say sadly
"Well she's gone"
"Well this isn't the Sabrina I feel in love with"
"What's that mean"
"It means if the Sabrina I feel in love is gone then I don't have a Sabrina anymore"
"So we're done?" She questioned
"I guess we are"
She then stormed away I could here her slamming things up stairs. She then walked down the stairs with backpacks.
"Where you going"
"To joshes. I'm living with him know. In joy MY family's house asshole" she yelled
I then sat back down on the couch and cried.

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