Baby shower

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Sabrina pov
I got up early to get ready for Sarah baby shower. After I ate and showered I got dressed.
(Outfit above)
When I went back into my room to get my neckless Bradley finally woke up.
"Hey gorgeous"
"Hey. I need to talk to you"
"Okay?" He said
"I know we're only 17 and we haven't graduated yet but when I found out the news a few days ago I was really happy"
"What news?" He said
"I'm pregnant"
He looked at me confused then he smiled and kissed me hard and rolled on top of me.
"I love you so much Sabrina Carpenter"
"I love you to Bradley Steven Perry"
I then sat up and walked down stairs to see who was knocking at the door. It was Peyton and Jake they were gonna have a guy's day sense there were no guys invited to the baby shower. I then walked back up stairs to tell Bradley the guys were here.
"Hey babe guys are here"
"Ya?" He sAid
"Don't tell anyone yet please this is Sarah big day not mine"
"Alright babe have fun today we might stop by to see you guys before the game"
"Sound good" I said walking over to him to give him a kiss. Me and him then walked down stairs. He walked up to the guys and I walked over to the table to get my keys.
"Take care of my girl today" Peyton yelled at me.
"Will do baby daddy" I yelled back
*Time passes*
Me and Olvia were getting everything set up. Olvia then walks over and read the invite list.
Peyton L
Not many people are coming cause we wanted to keep it simple.
After most of the people showed up I finally called Rowan to tell her to bring Sarah to the shower. After she arrived everyone was having a good time. Sarah then finally suggested that we open up presents. She opened up her first present with was from Olivia it was a pair of grey vans with yellow legging and a grey hoodie. The outfit was amazing. Then she opens up the present from me. It was a pair of pink converse with white shorts and a cute little black top.
"Why pink" she questioned. I then gave her a smirk and she started to smile big.
"It's a girl?" She said smiling
"It's a girl" I said
Everyone then stated to yell and hug her. I went into the kitchen to get the cake. When I got the cake i went and put it out on the table. After awhile I then started to smell smoke. I walked into the kitchen to see what was going on and the kitchen was on fire. When I went to go walk out I hear a big crash. The ceiling caved in over the door.
"Get everyone out" I yelled
Bradley pov
Me Peyton and Jake decided to go walk and see the girls. While we were walking we heard fire trucks and ambulances. We then started to run faster when we saw what way they were headed. When we reached the building the girls were having the shower at we saw it was up in flames. I felt relived for a min cause I saw the girls outside then i got worrried cause Sabrina wasn't outside.
"AHHH" I heard someone yell
"Is someone inside" the firefighter asked Sarah
"Yes my sister Sabrina got stuck in the kitchen"
I then walked over to Sarah and asked her what happen.
"We smelt smoke and Sabrina went to go check it out and the ceiling must of crashed in front of the door and she got stuck"
I then started to worry and paste around. After the fire got put down some what everyone went home beside Sarah and Peyton. The firefighters finally bring Sabrina out and she was not responsive.
"It seemed like a long peace of wood from the ceiling fell on her stomach. Were gonna take her I'm to get some X-rays" I then started to worry Sabrina the baby Sabrina the baby.
"Will she be okay?" I asked
"She should be. The smoke or a peace of would just caused her to pass out. She should be up in no time"
I then followed the firefighters over to the ambulance.
"A long peace of wood landed on her stomach, it seems like she should be okay"
"Okay? Depending on the impact of the wood this could all go south. SHE COULD LOOSE HER LIFE". The ambulance said to the firefighter.
When the ambulance got her in the back I jumped in the back with them.
"Boyfriend?" The guy asked
"Yes" I said to him
We finally arrived to the hospital. They jumped out and rushed her to the X-ray room. One of her nursed came out to talk to me.
"Bradley?" She asked
I stood up and nodded
"Well we have some news. When we did the X-rays we notice she had some internal bleeding and she slipped into a coma after surgery"
"Will she be okay?" I asked
"Only time will tell"
"She was pregnant"
"With the damage done to her stomach well.....I first priority is to save your wife."

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