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Rowan POV
I walk in Sabrina room to see Bradley sitting there with his hand wrapped around Sabrina wrist.
"Hey Bradley"
"Oh, hey"
"Do you mind?"
"Nope I'll go get something to drink, want anything?"
"Water please?"
"Alright I'll be back"
After Bradley walked out of the room I went and sat next to Sabrina. I put my purse on the chair next to me while I started to tear up. And I slowly said.
"Oh Sabrina, I miss you. You know that? My heart it-it-it hurts your not hear right now Sabrina you need to wake up please for me. You know I never thought that my heart could hurt as badly as it does. It HURTS so badly I-I can't breathe. I want to crawl in a corner and cry forever. I love you Sabrina and I need my best friend, remember what you always said "we take on the world together" how am I suppose to take on the world by myself. See I need you so wake up for me please."
Soon after Bradley walked in he sat in the chair next to me and handed me my water.
Bradley POV.
"She needs to wake up" I said softly
"It hurts Rowan it hurts so badly I can't stand to see Sabrina like this" I announced
"She will wake up" Rowan told me.
I then start to look down at the ground and she grabs my face and hands and says "hey look at me she will be okay Sabrina is a fighter she's your person and mine she has to survive this" Rowan said looking into my eyes.
Then all of a sudden are lips are touching.
"Sabrina?" I said and let go of Rowan.
I look back and Rowan ran out of the room.

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