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Bradley POV
I just got back from hanging out with Jordan and Austin. They have been trying to keep me busy these past few days after Sabrina's funeral. I lay down on my bed and unlock my phone. I haven't been going on Twitter or Instagram because it's all filled with Sabrina, and I need time before I look/watch anything. I then go to my camera roll and watch some videos i have of Sabrina.
*the video*
"Are you video taping me Bradley?"
"Ya?? Why wouldn't I"
Sabrina dancing around listening to Electric Love.
"Your gorgeous"
"Thank you Bradley"
"I love you Sabrina"
"I love you more Bradley" Sabrina said spinning.
*End of Video*
I slowly start to fall asleep with tears filling my eyes.
*Bradley dream*
"Your alive?"
"No silly goose, your dreaming" she says smiling.
"Why are you smiling your dead" I say crying
"I might be dead but I'm in heaven its a very happy place. GUESS WHOS UP HERE"
"Who?" I say smiling but tearing up.
"Woody he was waiting for me when I arrived"
"Why are you doing this to me"
"Doing what?"
"Being happy"
"Because I am happy Bradley"
"Have you not seen anyone. We're all sad and your happy?!! Are you kidding me ?? Do you even care?!!!"
"DO I CARE.!!! Of course I do you don't think it kills me to see you guys like this. Knowing that one day your gonna be with someone else and be happy and have a family. Or the fact that my sisters are fighting and one is pregnant and is stressing out about everything witch is making the pregnancy difficult. Bradley I can't stand this. I want to be there with you but I can't"
"Why am I here Sabrina?" I ask
"Because you need to know this is the way things are know. I'm not coming back. You need to move on and find someone else. Tell Sarah that she needs to be happy and stop filling guilty. I WANT you to tell everyone to stop be Debby downers aand to be HAPPY. It's hurts and I know that but live your life" I say crying.
"Sabrina I love and miss you." I say crying
"She won't eat Sabrina she's not talking to no one"
"You tell her to find a new best friend. You understand me"
"No one can replace you Sabrina.
"I know Bradley but you can find someone like me. Maybe even better"
"No one is better than you." I say crying
"I know honey." She says laughing
" Sabrina I love you. Live your life to the fullest up here. I love you and miss you like crazy"
"I love you too Bradley. Live your life down there to the fullest.
We slowly start to kiss I then close my eyes and wake up in my bed.
I look at my phone and I'm getting a call from Sarah. "Hello?" "Dinner tomorrow tell everyone" she says hanging up.
I then look at my phone once more and see my screen saver witch is Sabrina and smile.

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