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Bradley Pov
I'm in shock. I'm broken. I- I- I can't breathe. I see Sarah running to the car while Peyton chasing after her. I hear Rowan on the phone.
Rowan Pov
"Yea 911 two of my friends have been in a wreck" I started getting closer to the scene when all of a sudden I see blood. "An- An- and there blood everywhere" I say crying. "Just HURRY up and get here" I say
Bradley Pov
"Bradley!!" Jake screamed while I look at him funny not really in the moment.
"Bradley it's gonna be okay" Jake said
Finally I come back to reality. I start to run to the car when I hear Sarah.
"Bradley don't, you don't want to see this" I then go over to the driver side to see Austin holding Jordan crying.
Sabrina i think I hurry and run over and then my heart breaks. Her dress was not white no more. It was a very dark red. I get down on my knees next to hurry and hold her. The ambulance then arrived I go in the ambulance with her and Sarah rode with Peyton to the hospital. Austin was with Jordan. I grabbed Sabrina hand and kiss it and hold it tightly to my face. When we arrived to the hospital they took her straight to surgery.
2 hour later.
Sarah Pov
"Sarah?" The doctor said
"Sabrina is in a coma"
"Omg, is she gonna be okay"
"Well... She was pretty bad, all we can do know is wait and prey for her. On the other hang Jordan is awake" the doctor says.
Bradley Pov
The doctor just got done telling us what's going on. Everyone went to see Jordan but I went to see Sabrina. I'm not mad at Jordan I'm just not ready.
I walked into Sabrina room and see her. She had this Long tube down her throat. She had one needle in the hand and one in her arm. She had a cast on her foot. I went by her bed side and sat there and held her hand.

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