Sabrina Carpenter

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I know the video is for Maya but oh well watch the VIDEO. In the story this will be the video Rowan makes.

Rowan POV
I made a tribute video for Sabrina I sent it around to everyone. Everyone commented about it besides Bradley. No one has heard for him for a few days. I feel really bad for him.
Bradley POV
Everyone has been worried about me. I've been just at home sitting in my room doing absolutely nothing besides look/watch videos and pictures of Sabrina. Austin and Jordan have tried to come get me out of the house for a little bit before but I told them no, today will be the first day I leave the house but I still don't know if I want to. Today is Sabrina funereal.
Jordan POV
As I stand hear looking in the mirror putting my tux on I thinking about everything I'm thinking about Bradley I'm think we'll if I never would have came back from my your early non of this would ever happen. I've been so hurt lately. I feel like all of this is my fault. I fall asleep ever night crying and watching videos of me and Sabrina singing. It still hurts.
Austin POV
I've been trying to keep my girlfriend Olivia happy. She's been taking everything so hard. Her and Sabrina had gotten close these past few years and this whole situation has broken her heart.
Time passes
Sarah POV
People are starting to arrive to the funeral home. Austin, Olivia, and Jordan just arrived.
"Hi, how are you." I asked Olvia
"I'm fine, but most importantly how are you." She ask
"It still hurts so badly" I say crying
She then hugs me crying with me.
Everyone has arrive even Bradley. He say in the back talking to no one and sat by no one. There is just one person I wish was here my mom. No one has heard from her after she found out the news.
"Today were are here to cherish the passing of Sabrina Carpenter. A few people today were asked to speak for her so please welcome Olivia Holt.
Olivia POV
"Hi, so I was asked to speak today witch I don't know why cause I suck at speaking, but I want to say I'm sorry to the people I love. Especially Sarah and Bradley. My family has been going through a hard time with this passing and it's gonna hurt but if we all stick together we will get through this. Sabrina didn't go one day without loving her life to the fullest. She was such a sweet big hearted person. Know this world is to big without her and it feels empty and it hurts to know I won't see her again. I love you Sabrina Carpenter and I will miss you so much."
Sarah POV
I was getting ready to walk up to talk when someone walked in mom! I held my stomach and started crying looking at the ground I the looked up at her giving her a smile while crying then she starts walking towards me and I start waking towards her and we hug and she whispers to me "it's okay baby I'm hear know. We will get though this."
"I love you" I say crying looking at her.
"I love you both very much even tho only one of you are hear" she says crying. I slowly walk up on stage to speak
"Sabrina Carpenter, were to begin. Now word can describe how amazing you were." I start to cry very hardly.
"I wake up every day and I forget about the death then I remember and my heart break over and over agin knowing you aren't here, I'm gonna miss you big beautiful eyes. I'm gonna miss singing with you everynight. I'm gonna miss having my baby sister with me to hold me when I'm sad or to laugh with me when I'm happy. You know everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay but truthfully I'm not I'm not okay and I don't think I will be for a very long time. I love you Sabrina Carpenter and will miss you baby sister."
"Today I have made a video of my sister and I would like to show it to you guys"
I walks back to Bradley to sit by him I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it really tightly and started crying. Then Austin, and Jordan walked back and say by use and comfort him. Bradley couldn't hold it in he bursted into tears and grabbed all of are hands and rocked back and forth while the tribute video played.
Austin POV
It hurt me so badly to see my friend I want to be here as much I can for him. After the funereal everyone was talking and leaving. We all decided to go out to eat just us family.

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