Version 1 Pre-Reading Reflections

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Timespan: Late 2012 – Early 2013

Location: Quizilla

Format: Quizzes and Story

Length: 4 Quizzes 2 Stories= 6 chapters

Authoress's Age: 15

Wow. I don't even know what really to say about this one. This was the very start of Sky Writers, back when I was only around 15 years old! It seems so long ago, but it was literally just three years ago! Talk about insane.

Sky Writers got its humble start on the website Quizilla, a place which saw many of our old KH/FF fandom veterans. Popular Quizilla writers included people like Whyareall (Adree), Armybrat213 (Miki), AgitoinFinis (KingdomKrown back on Quizilla, also known as Heiley), Deangirl22 (Don't think she ever went to Watty, though I could do a rant about her story and the clichés it birthed). I'm sure there are more but this isn't really time for a rehash of the old Quizilla golden days (when we were too young and foolish to realize about all the horrid clichés running rampant).

It's funny to think about it looking back now really. I was so engrossed in the long reader-inserts, some of them were more than 100 chapters long already so I had plenty of reading and binging to do in my spare time. I often got frustrated because I didn't know the character's names or what they looked like. After all, at this point I only really watched my brother play Kingdom Hearts (and that had been nearly half a decade ago, if not longer). I knew little of Final Fantasy, or many of the shows that consisted of everyone's 'Other' sections. With that in mind, I still went ahead and tried to write.

I shudder at the thought looking back at it now. Of course I tried to do basic research like looking on the Wikia, but nothing like the time I put into getting to know these characters now. Fun fact, I own many of the games now, but I still haven't finished a majority of them. Yet so many people have praised my writing for in-character portrayals, and so it goes to show that doing your research really pays off.

Either way, as such a few characters are going to seem really cliché as to how I try to portray them now. I would explain, but I'd rather let you see and then explain in the post reflection after I post everything!~

Sadly. Since things were written in quiz-format, I lost the first four chapters of Sky Writers or so. I still have the typed up versions of the results, as well as the story-format chapters. That being said I'll give a little summary of what went down to help you understand what's going a bit before throwing you into the fray (though it's fuzzy to me too if I'm being honest)

Sky Writers starts with the Heartless attack on the Earth. Earth being helpless, it doesn't have the proper equipment to fight back. Rea-Tan however is still a Richmond and she has gotten a bit of combat practice, so she's leading a small group of refugees in the meanwhile.

There are numerous teams sent down to Earth to try and find and save the few refugees that are still left. After Aerith and Tifa find the band of refugees, they are also hurt in the fight and Rea-Tan takes it upon herself to protect them until their allies can arrive, which they do just in time to save her ass.

There are also side results, which show off interactions between other characters such as Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Spoiler alert, I think I was actually going to have Kairi be a little bit of a bitch at some point- mainly because she was possessed by something while she got separated from Sora and Riku on Earth.

Then Rea-tan goes to Middangeard, the school which mainly houses refugees. She's extra-extra salty about everything and completely antisocial, yet she's the first to jump when there's an attack on the school. Her abilities go crazy under the pressure and then Mickey and the others air-evac her and things are left off there.

Though you don't have to take my word for it! Check out the editions, and I'll add some more reflections after~

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