Chapter 11: The Betrayal

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The bed felt unusually cold and empty that night. I tossed and turned as sleep escaped me. All I could think about was my out of control mate who was just outside my window in the backyard. I could hear him and the others howling at the moon. I wouldn't be surprised if no one was able to sleep with that racket.

The others howling were barely audible to me. Dante's angry howl and scratching at the metal cage were all my ears picked up. After every ten scratches he would ram his body against the cage door. He was going to hurt himself if he didn't stop soon.

He howled in pain after ramming his body for the fifth time. I couldn't take it anymore. He was in pain and I wasn't just going to lay here.

I threw the covers off my body and tiptoed down the stairs. I tried to be as quiet as possibly when I went through the house and out the back door. The rain still poured down hard. The top of the cages were covered with tarp so the wolves wouldn't get sick.

He stopped howling when he saw me standing in front of his cage. His beautiful black fur gleamed in the rain. I knew I had to keep him calm this time or he would never let me near him.

His pitch black eyes stared into mine while he watched and regarded every movement. This time the tune instantly calmed him and he sat down for me without even asking.

I reached into my pocket and retrieved the key to his cage. This was a dangerous and stupid idea, but it was the only way. I had to walk into the cage while no one else was around. No one would be able to save me, but no one would be able to distract him again.

I didn't dare look away from his eyes as I place the key in the lock. After I turned it, both Dante and I smelled them. He immediately crouched into an attack position.

"What are you doing out here, Theo?"

"I should be asking you the same thing myself, Arianna."

"I am attending to my mate. You have no business out here. Go back to bed," I hissed at him.

"I am sorry, Arianna, but I cannot do that tonight."

I finally turned around to face him and was shocked at what I found. His dirty blonde hair was soaked and matted against his face. Gone was the light in his eyes and replaced with a cold, hard demeanor. A long kitchen knife in his left hand glinted in the moonlight. Astrid stood next to him with a crazed look in her eyes.


"I have waited a long time for this, Arianna."

My wet hair slapped against my face as I shook it in disbelief. What was he talking about?

"You just had to let that mutt back into the pack. He has been nothing but trouble the moment he returned. You were tortured, Tristan is dead, and all the packs are fighting."

"None of that was his fault, Theo. He is not responsible for a war waged by a madman."

"Yes he is! He is responsible for everything and you are responsibly for him! Tristan would still be alive if you hadn't gotten in the way."

"Stop it, Theo. This isn't you, this isn't right."

"What right do you have to tell me who I am? Don't you dare, Arianna, don't you dare."

"What do you want from us?"

He shook his head and reached out to grab me.

"It's not what I want from you, it's what we were sent here to do to you."

"Please, Theo, just turn around and take Astrid back into the house. I promise I won't tell anyone what you said. Please, think about Freddie."

"It's too late. I'm sorry."

Loving The Beast Within (Sequel to Shifting Love)Where stories live. Discover now