Chapter 28: The Unsafe Home

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"Please, Arianna," Mara begged me, her hands tightly grasped onto mine, "My Mabel, she is still out there somewhere."

I looked up at my mate with a worried expression. Everyone in our two packs were packing up the trucks and cars to make the move in just a few hours. But a few were still missing. I didn't want to leave without them.

"Where did you last see her?" he inquired.

"It was all my fault. She was going in to town to the florist before the meeting. I told her to buy some flowers for Arianna. She never returned."

"My Lincoln hasn't shown up either," another pack member called out.

"Kellan is missing as well!"

Dante gave me a pleading look, "Ari, we don't have time for this. The Alphas are coming and god only knows where Walter is or what he is up to."

"I won't leave until everyone is accounted for," I firmly told him.

He sighed in frustration.

"Why do you always have to be so stubborn?"

"It's what you love about me."

He gave a short laugh and shook his head.

"Teague," he called over to his second in command, "Gather up five men and take them into town. Be as discrete as possible. Find our missing pack members."

"Of course, Alpha," he quickly responded.

"I don't think I need to remind you to be quick as well," he looked back down at me once Teague left with his men, "I meant it when I said we are leaving in an hour, Ari. I won't jeopardize your safety or our packs."

I gave Mara's hand a gentle squeeze, "Teague will find Mabel, I promise."

"Thank you, Arianna, Alpha."

She released my hand and walked over to her husband. He quietly consoled her. I felt immense guilt over their missing daughter. If anything happened to her or the others I would never forgive myself.

Dante pulled me tightly into his side and kissed the top of my head.

"You worry too much, baby," he whispered into my ear.

"Do you think Teague will find all of them in time?"

"I think if anyone is going to find them it will be him."

"Where are we going to go?" I whispered, "There are so many of us, over two hundred people with nowhere to go."

"We just have to stay strong for them, Ari. If we don't look confident to them then everyone will start to panic. We will start driving towards the coast tonight and I am sure we will find something in a few days. The important thing is that we get as far away as possible tonight."

"I am going to walk around and see if anyone needs anything."

I needed to distract myself. If I stood still for too long, my head began to swim with negative thoughts; thoughts about Tristan and my parents, thoughts about murdering Shane and what Dante would do once Walter showed up again, thoughts about keeping my pack safe from Richard's pride and the others Alphas.

"Cooper, walk around with my mate. Make sure everyone has everything they need," Dante ordered before turning around.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to call Daniel again. He should have called me back by now. Something is wrong."

He had already called Daniel twice since we arrived at the Hollows pack house. Both times there was no answer or response since he left to check on his pack over three hours ago. It wasn't a good sign that we hadn't heard from him by now.

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