Mrs. Alpha(Teen Wolf/ Isaac Lahey LS)

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So...I change the image for Adrianna. I realized quite a few people were upset about the cultural appropriation in the photo and I'm sorry for that. I never even thought about how the headdress could be offensive to some people and their cultures.
So, excuse my ignorance, please.


As a 17 year old girl you would think your dad would understand you were no longer a child, but almost an adult, but not mine. For the past 3 weeks while my dad had been coming up with this plan to get Derek Hale to join us, I've been non-stop begging him to let me join.

but as he always says," Adri....No if something happened to you-"

"But dad come on I mean keeping locked up in this house is going to do nothing but make me anti-social." I argued helping him into his study.

"Good because you don't need to be talking to anyone.....anyway."

"Dad, I can help come on...I've trained my whole life...I'm one of the most powerful Alpha's in this damn pack!" He looked up at me with a harsh glare,even though he was blind it was still harsh," Besides you of course"

" that I think about since Aiden did get suspended....I will need another Alpha there so...okay." He stood up and looked down,"Alright I'll allow you to help out, but you are going to listen to what I say and no back got me."

I shook my head ,"When are you going to enroll me?"

"Today and then Monday you'll start school as the new kid, but I don't want you hanging around Aiden or Ethan.."

"What? but dad they're like my brothers."

He chuckled," I need you to befriend Scott , and since Scott doesn't like them you can't be seen with them...okay?"

"Yes sir" I smiled before going through the broken wall we call a hallway," Thanks for believing in me really means a lot"

Mrs. Alpha(Teen Wolf/ Isaac Lahey LS)Where stories live. Discover now