Chapter 36~ It's only love

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→12, Feb.

It's not long after the boys had left, I tried to move my wheelchair but I couldn't, I never really tried before since one of the boys would usually push it.

I was just planning to reach the TV but man, it was very hard to move this thing that I hated Jude now more than ever for causing this , I feel sorry for the wheelchair users now that I know how awful it is being disabled.

I lost hope eventually, and just stayed at that spot waiting for Rita or Mrs.Pross to pass by.

But it wasn't them who noticed me, it was Jude and he was walking towards me and I started to panic. I usually wouldn't but the fact that I can't defend myself or even run away was frightening.

"uh hi Prudence" he said and I thought being nice would help me at this moment even though I'd like to slap him "hi" I said

"what you doing here? and believe it or not you're alone?" he said leaning closer towards me, turning my face towards him , My heart's beating fastened and I tried to calm myself down and not to listen to him since I couldn't do anything and If I did he would take his revenge ten times worse

"Nothing." I said "oh, would you like me to take you up stairs?" he asked and I wasn't expecting that from him at all.

"No, Thank you" I said refusing politely "oh come on, I know that you can't go upstairs by yourself and um your little cute boys aren't here" he said and he was right actually I can't go up to my room and that was nice of him but no ! I'll just wait here "No, thank you, you can get going" I said and I could see a hint of anger in his eyes

"please forgive me Prudence? " he said all of sudden and I was shocked and before I could even say anything he carried me on one shoulder placing a hand on my back while the rest of my body was dangling freely. I automatically started kicking him and punching his back as hard as I could

"Prudence ! stop or you're going to fall !" he yelled and so I stopped and finally we reached my room and he placed me on my bed

"thank you, I had no idea how I'd get here" I said and he smiled "I missed you" he said and leaned closer so I pushed him away "stay.away." I said quietly

"WHAT? CAN'T I KISS MY GIRLFRIEND NOW? BUT THOSE BASTARDS CAN?" he yelled and that was it, I can't keep my control of my anger anymore


"I thought you loved me ! you are just a pathetic liar ! WHERE ARE YOUR LITTLE CUTE BOYS THEN? I BET THEY GOT BORED OF YOU ALREADY AND ARE LOOKING FOR ANOTHER SLUT" "Just get out of here Jude." I told him and he seemed shocked by my coolness that he leaned towards me again and hugged me

"Prudence I'm sorry, I can't help it being jealous, I really love you and you know that ! god ! we had been dating for 2 years!" he said and I just moved him away from me quietly with one hand

"I admit that I loved you but You're not even the guy I fell in love with, what the hell happened to you Jude ?! You are everything you said you wouldn't be, I don't want to see you again"

"I'm sorry I know I hurt you but I promise you I won't do that again" "that's exactly what you said before...and I was stupid when I believed that and forgiven you-"

"I know but I mean it this time, I can't lose you Prudence! I love you and I know that you love me, so please give me one last chance to make it up for you and fix all this" "I don't kno-"

"please, If I ever harm you again, you can leave me and I won't stand in your way or stop you but I promise that won't happen" he said while holding my hands in his, It's just crazy how the man you thought you were going to marry, treats you like that. It's even more crazier how I like someone else too. but John is probably just messing around and having fun and it's probably nothing serious for him while I know that Jude loves me even though he is cruel and used to hit me but he only does that when he is jealous, so that's fine it means that he loves me, right?

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