Chapter 21~ Birthday

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A couple of weeks had passed since our arrival in America.

It was fun at first to explore new and different things of another country but it got boring eventually. Same things everyday ,getting up and going to school.

It was hard to get along with those folks and we were the odd ones for them..wearing skirts and dresses was the most thing they made fun of but I didn't really care I'm not going to change myself for anyone. If anyone should ever like me then they would like the real me.

Having an unfamiliar English accent brought me some teasing too and most of the time, a lot of people didn't even understand what I was saying.  

but after all, I had managed to make a couple of new friends. I can't really call them friends..more like school colleagues. Bella was the closest person to me and the only one I trusted here.

My mum had her ups and downs but they are downs mostly which made my life in The US even more difficult.

The boys and Richard too had written to me a couple of times and they always managed to cheer me up somehow. I'm glad distances didn't part us. They told me how they managed to play more gigs in other well known pubs in Hamburg and how a lot of people love their music.

I really miss messing on the guitar with them and dancing dumbly to their rocking music. I can't believe a month had passed already since their departure!

It's July already! which reminds me of Richard's birthday so I got a paper and a pen to write him a letter since it takes a lot of time for the letters to reach there :

{Hey Rich, 

How have you been doing? Nothing interesting really happened from the last time I had written you.

I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR FRIEND, I wish I could be there in Liverpool to spend the whole day with you and have fun and all.. 

Well have fun anyways! ! (but not too much without me, I'm pretty bored here)

oh tell me how's your band doing and send my hellos to Rory !

I miss you ! Try to write me more often. 

Best wishes-Love,Prudence}

I drew a blue eyed boy at the end of the paper with a huge birthday cake in front of him.

As soon as I finished my letter, I continued my normal routine.

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