Chapter 25~ Good morning Good morning

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We woke up late around 1 since we've been tired from yesterday. but that was what I call an unforgettable day ! It was one of the best days ever!!

I sat on bed with some pain in me feet and my back. I think it wasn't such a wise idea to go dancing right after skating. I hope I didn't break my spine or something.

I talked with Bella for some and she told me how she had planned to spend the day with Rich I guess I am a loner today. 

but I can't let that ruin my day, I got into my icy jeans with a black blouse on top and made my hair into a side braid as usual then I got out of the hotel and started walking around...

I kept on walking and walking until I had reached the park! I found my favourite swing to still be hanging on the tree branch! I just sat on it enjoying the soft breeze and the greeny grass and trees with the bluish of the's such a relaxing sight and the sound of laughter of the children running and playing around made it even more wonderful.

but my mind had to bring me down..It kept on remembering the first day I had met Paul here when he pushed the swing so I yelled at him..ahh I was rude but it was a nice memory after all, I remember his cute laugh when I fell ..I guess he was rude too so we are even. Great times...

After many thoughts, I noticed the time ! It was 3:30 I can't believe how fast the time had passed but I don't have anything to do except enjoying my last day ...or hours in Liverpool.

I got a great idea ! and so I started walking and walking ...for a long while but I reached my destination eventually. I was standing right in front of our old school , nothing has changed it's still the same!! It wasn't the school that I was missing, It was the memories I had there.  

God I feel like a pathetic person who is stuck in the past and can't move on!! It seems like every thing I think about has to contain one of the boys !  

as much as I wish mum wasn't the one to ruin our letters, I wish she was her so that the boys wouldn't be the ones who had stopped writing to us.

The sun was setting so I decided to head back home since this part of Liverpool isn't nice at all at night.  

while I was walking to the bus stop since my feet were burning and I can't walk all the way back but suddenly one heel of my shoes' had broken!! which made me trip and bend my ankle. ugh what a freaking perfect timing !  

while I managed to balance myself by leaning against a wall with my hand and trying to fix the heel with my other free hand I felt a hand creeping on my shoulder,I screamed!! oh my god what made me get into this place, what am I going to do now? It's probably a drunk teddy boy and god knows what harm he may cause me! and probably no one will help me in this dark empty street !!  

I tried to walk fast away from him but ugh I forgot my broken heel and I was about to fall right on me face but that guy had rushed and caught me right in time before falling and I started to push his hands off me

"Oh me god ! Prudence will you calm down?, yes I'm hungry but I'm not going to eat you!!: the guy spoke up with such a heavy familiar liverpudlian accent whose voice made me freeze in my place while his hands were helping me balancing myself

"Ge...George?!!" I exclaimed in shock "No it can't be you! I'm probably hallucinating!!" he chuckled

"yes it's really me luv" he said and I hugged him before he could even finish his sentence "I missed you very much Georgie!!" he hugged me back still laughing

"I missed you too Prudes! but you're going to kill me!" he acted like he was chocking and kept on coughing so I punched his arm playfully

"fine fine! no more hugs for you Georgie!" I pulled my tongue out at him and acted like I was leaving but this time I fell which made George burst out in laughter

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