Chapter 20~ Across the universe

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I woke up to my mum's yelping as she was afraid we might miss our flight.

To be honest I tried to be slow as I could...then I went downstairs and since they were all waiting for me, We got in a taxi to drive us to the airport. As its engine came to life and it started to move, I caught a glimpse of ....Richard???

yes it was him! he paced fast in order to catch up with the taxi but soon the taxi moved faster and faster and I kept on waving to him until he fadded and I could see him no more.

"Bella, you knew that Rich was there?!" I asked her and she nodded

"when I got out to put my bags in the taxi, he pulled me hand and leaded me to the back yard ..." she said then took a pause "and told me that he was sorry and that he really liked me and would wait for us to come back to Liverpool..." she continued

"maybe we even shared another kiss" she whispered the last sentence as mum was sitting beside us and I gasped and winked at her so she hit me arm in order to shut up so mum doesn't pay attention but that only made me laugh.

Sadly we reached the airport in time. and soon enough we were on board. And all I could remember is the good food, since I had slept most of the time.

After hours of flying in the sky as birds which was a beautiful feeling. We landed in New York, America.  

It was midnight when we reached our new home.I didn't bother unpacking,I directly went to bed. 


I woke up with a headache. Travelling by a plane wasn't fun like they said. 

I was hungry so I decided to take a walk around and look for any place to have breakfast since everyone was still asleep being tired from the flight.

And so I went outside and started wandering around and memorising the streets as not to get lost. 

I finally found a diner which was open since it was still early in the morning. I ate whatever was available then walked back home...America is not so different. They just talk in a funny way.

Later I went back home to be welcomed by mum's yelling. god I want to run away, I want to be free but I know I can't manage living on my own.

"Where were you? ?! You got us worried ! We thought you'd be lost ! you don't know anything here !!" Mum's voice brought me back to reality.  

"That's exactly why I was out, I was exploring. and don't worry mother, I'm not a young kid anymore." I blurted and went to me and Bella's shared room since this home is smaller than the one we had in Liverpool, I started unpacking with her while telling her about the few things I saw.

Suddenly our door opened revealing mum's face

"girls , We found you a good school here that accepted you to continue your studying at." She said "so go to bed early to be ready for school tomorrow. I believe you're going to make good new friends just like you did in Liverpool so cheer up" she said nicely so we nodded and oh man It had been a while since I had seen this side of mum.  

I just wish making friends was as easy as she thought it was.

After we had done unpacking, I re-read all the letters I had from the boys then started writing them one

{hey George, Paul and John, 

um I had just arrived in New York yesterday, and I can tell you that it's not very different from home. (well apart from the funny accent, clothes and food which makes it different in everything eh?) 

I'm going to go to a school here tomorrow morning and I'm rather nervous.

Do you think I'm going to get used to living here? Do you think we will ever meet again?

P.S Georgie I'm going to send you an American hamburger and I hope it's not rotten by the time you receive it.

Well I have to go to bed now, and I don't want to write more of my sad bullocks. but I want you to write to me.

best of luck with the band -Love, Prudence}

And with that I drifted asleep hoping the best for tomorrow.

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