Chapter 32~ Doctor Robert

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I was in a very dark room where I could see nothing at all but suddenly I saw a light far away so I ran to it.

I didn't think it was that far but I kept on running  for a long while until I finally made it to the door which the light is escaping from.

I entered to find Paul laying on the ground with blood all over him I yelled for help then looked around and found John bleeding while mumbling some few words so I tried to help him but when I reached him and held his hand it fell HE WAS DEAD !

I got out of it screaming for help and immediately regretted doing that.

I was now standing at the hotel's hall and right in front of me stood my mother and Jude I gasped and tried to run downstairs to the reception but Jude caught my hand and turned me around

"JUDE ! LET ME GO!" I yelled while pushing his hands away but he ignored me and pulled me to stand in front of mum.

she didn't say anything so I asked her to come and help me with Paul and John but she refused and signaled for Jude which made him pull me from my hair downstairs where I saw George and Richard's dead bodies so I screamed and cried and kept on trying to push Jude away but he was very strong

"you're going to die just like your beloved Beatles" I SCREAMEED and felt a hand being put around me so I screamed at the top of my voice

" PRUDENCE ! PRUDENCE!" Paul's voice called

" PAUL RUN AWAY!!" I CRIED but the hand started tapping on my stomach bringing me back to reality

"everything's alright luv, everything's fine it's only a dream" Paul repeated while hugging me as I cried

"shh it was only just a dream. I won't let anything bad happen to you" he kept on mumbling that until I stopped crying and fell asleep while laying my head on his chest.

I slept for some more then woke up and noticed Paul sleeping in a chair then I realised that we aren't at the hotel I looked at the clock which reads 6 pm ,

I tried to sit up properly but I felt so much pain in my back then someone's hand helped me to sit and fixed the pillows

"John !" I exclaimed and my voice sounded creaky and weak

"you never looked at the other side of the room" he said

"what are we doing here? I don't remember coming here and I hate this place!" I asked

" to say this? okay so your bloody boyfriend hit you very hard that you fell on your back and hit your head and I think you lost your conscious by then and since I was still standing in the hall I saw all of that and knocked him down. he has a broken nose and a big black spot around his eye now" he said with a proud smile and I nodded remembering some parts

"well can we leave this place now? I'm alright" I said and he shook his head

"Doctor Robert said you have to stay just for 2 days then they'll x-ray it again to make sure your spine is not broken" John explained just in time Richard and George entered

"oh ho ! you're finally awake!" George exclaimed

" I didn't sleep for that long" I said laughing noticing how all that fight had happened around 4 and It's 6

" oh not at all, we're already leaving for the show in a while miss !" George said and it hit me how they're leaving

"George! I need some sleep! "Paul moaned while throwing a pillow at George which made all of us laugh then he drifted back to sleep

" it's not me "George yelled in a low voice jokingly and we laughed rather loud on purpose

"ugh fine I won't sleep" Paul muttered in anger then opened his sleepy eyes slowly

"Prudence! you're awake! how is your back now luv?" he asked with a worried expression

"I'm fine really, I think my back is better than your messed up hair at the moment" I said laughing while he stood infront of the mirror combed it quickly with his fingers But sadly the laughter had to end when someone knocked on the door and Rich got up and opened it

" oh Yes Mal we are coming right after you" he told him then closed the door

"lads, Mal says we've got to leave now" Rich said and they all looked at me

"what? I'll be alright don't worry" I said while motioning my hands towards the door

"come on! you don't want to be late, I'm looking forward to watching the show on this awesome hospital television" I said which made them laugh and they all said their good byes and I wished them good luck and they all headed towards the door and Paul had that worried look on his face

" I FEEEL FINE ! " I cried which made them laugh and he nodded at me and left.

I turned on the TV but everything was boring so I just laid on the bed and watched the ceiling then while I was fixing my position on bed slowly I saw a book on the drawer with a note on it and I immediately knew who written it { I thought you'd get bored so I brought you Alice in wonderland, I think you'll like it, it's more fun than Shakespeare anyways - John } I smiled and started reading the story and by the sixth chapter I fell asleep for so long to be awaken by very loud screams and very loud music ,

I sat up properly and was startled by what I've seen.

Paul and George were sharing a mic while John was singing in another mic with Rich drumming behind them and shaking his head like he used to do.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying their music , jumping , dancing and for the girls it was screaming.

They told me their fans were crazy but I never imagined them to be this  obssessed and I must admit they had the right to.

The boys were so adorable and their performing was amazing. I wish I could go with them and watch them singing live just like the old days.

I watched the rest of the show and I was really sad that I didn't watch it from the begining but I enjoyed it while it lasted. I really liked I want to hold your hand.

It has an amazingly beautiful meaning , how all he really wanted was just to hold hands and nothing more. When they were done everyone applauded for them.  

I then watched some dramatic movie and when it was done I continued to read the story since I wasn't very sleepy.

There was a knock on my door and I noticed how I read for a long while that I didn't notice the time.

then the door opened revealing a very tired Paul and Richard "I thought you'd be sleeping! did you enjoy the show then?" Paul asked

"of course I did ! I was about to go crazy like the other girls" I said laughing which made them laugh

"oh pleasee don't !" They said in unision and I laughed at their scared expressions

" I only watched the last two songs though, I fell asleep earlier while reading Alice" I said sadly which made Paul look sad a bit and I don't know why but he tried to hide it

"don't worry, We can make a whole show for you here if you'd like" Paul said with a wink

"oh please do now then !" I said and they fell on the sofa which made me laugh

"where are John and George then? Did they fall asleep already?" I asked which made them look at each other then back at me

"Yeah George and his tonsillitis. He is still feeling ill but I don't know about John" Richard said

"owh would the both of you go back to the hotel and have some rest too? you look so tired" I asked them and they were about to protest

"No, no off to bed lads! good night" I said and they finally gave in and headed towards the door after hugging me and bedding me good night

"but hey !! come back for me tomorrow" I called and they laughed and closed the door behind them so that I fell asleep.

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