Chapter 34~ All my loving

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→11, Feb.

I was waken up by a nurse to take my medicine around 1 pm and I was very surprised that I've been asleep for so long

I spent most of the day in bed obviously reading my Shakespeare's novel that John had brought from my hotel room after finishing Alice of course.

It was 6pm , when there was a knock on my door and I was surprised since I wasn't expecting anyone and the boys should be in Washington by now. it wasn't time for any medicines either.

"come in" I said while sitting properly and I don't know how I've forgotten about these 2 people.

"Rita ! Mrs.Pross !" I said in a cheery voice I was really glad that I had someone to spend my day with since they boys had left.

They both came in and gave me warm hugs then sat on the couch "how are you my dear?" Mrs.Pross asked "I'm good, I'll even be out of this place tomorrow" I told them excitedly

"I'm glad to know that, I'm sorry about what happened, but don't you worry I had talked to Jude and he feels guilty, he also promised to apologise and to behave himself or I'd fire him" Mrs.Pross said, reminding me of all of what happened even though I haven't really forgotten them.

"Thank you Mrs.Pross I really appreciate what you had done and I understand that you need him for the hotel since he is so strong I can admit that by myself. but I don't need an apology from such a person" I told her and she seemed like she had expected such a reaction from me.

she stood up and walked towards me bed and sat next me then rubbed my hand and gave me a smile "you're a strong girl yourself." she said and I smiled back at her and decided to lighten the mood

"oh yes I am very strong indeed, look at me laying helplessly in some hospital's bed" I said mockingly and laughed but she continued to rub my hand then stood up

"well I've got to head back to the hotel, I can't really trust Jude that much now but Rita can stay with you" she said then left after kissing my cheek

"Don't worry I'll be back to run the hotel !" I called after her and she smiled at me then closed the door.

That was the time when Rita came and curled up in bed next to me "you don't really like this bed, do you?" I asked in disgust

" of course I do !! The Beatles have been here , didn't they ?!" she squealed and I raised an eyebrow at her

"How come you've never told me that you were a friend of theirs?! you have to tell me everything !" she spoke so quickly and I started laughing at her

"what? I'm waiting for the important information" she said cupping her ear and putting it closer to my mouth.

I pushed her back jokingly "It's nothing ! We were friends back at Liverpool and they were really and maybe still are silly. I'm not surprised they made it this big though! they have an incredible talent and they deserve all of this fame, I've never seen anyone else energetic with much passion for music." I told her

"They are adorable and cute too !! like oh my god they are very good looking. I'd say more but I think it's inappropriate in this place" she added and I rolled my eyes.

I can't believe how crazy the girls were about The Beatles but I think they have the right to.

"George is so sweet, isn't he?" she spoke up and I nodded "Tell me about him !" she demanded and if Rita wasn't a close friend of mines I'd have been very annoyed by those questions.

"George works as a bouncer secretly" I whispered into her ear and she giggled then hit my arm playfully

"No really! Tell me what he is like, what he loves and hates" she pleaded

I coughed and acted as if my fist was a microphone "well George Harrison appears to be shy and quiet but once you know him and you get along with him, you'd find out he is the opposite. I actually love to spend time with him and Richard, It's-" I was telling her

"Richard? " she asked in confusion and I remembered how he is known as Ringo. I had really tried to call him by his stage name but I was used to Richard and I like it more actually.

"I mean Ringo.." "so his real name is Richard?" she asked and I nodded

I spent some more time talking to Rita and she'd always drag the conversation back to The Beatles.

But suddenly she got out of bed and ran to the tv, turning it up, changing the channel and raising the volume

"Their concert at the Washington Coliseum is about to start" she exclaimed, clapping her hands.

I looked at the clock it wasn't 8 yet "It starts in half an hour" I stated

"I know! but we have to be ready so we don't miss a single bit !" she said then dragged a chair and placed it in front of the tv.

I took the pillow next me and threw it at her "What was that for?! "

"your big head is blocking the tv ! I can't watch and this is my room not for my liking but it is !" I said and she laughed then threw the pillow back at me and dragged the chair out of my way.

The screams and cries increased, the girls jumped and acted crazily as the boys appeared at their sight. They started with Chuck Berry's song roll over Beethoven which is one of my favourites I sang along with the words and it was noticed how George's microphone wasn't working all that well

"Isn't George so adorable??!!" Rita exclaimed while dancing along with the song.

when it was done they started singing their own songs I believe and I was really amused by their vocals and harmony even though It was kind of hard to hear them over the screams but I did.

I've got to admit how impressed I was by John's vocals when he sang a song I believe it was called This Boy and I was even more impressed when Paul started singing All My Loving which were the same words carved on a heart chain hanging from my bracelet. It all makes sense now !

The eyes closing, the kiss and each word of it made perfect sense to me. I think I was lost in my thoughts and Paul's voice because Rita was clapping and screaming right next to my ear "WHAT?"  

"You've been smiling like a creep at that bracelet for so long !!" she said laughing then raised my arm so she can take a look at it "ALL MY LOVING? LETTER P? DID PAUL GIVE YOU THIS?" she cried jumping up and down excitedly

"YES YES ! THIS IS A PRESENT FROM PAUL MCCARTNEY HIMSELF !! I CANT BELIEVE IT" I said copying her which made us burst in laughter.

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