Chapter 18~ You won't see me.

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I woke up late since we won't go to school, we are going to leave anyways so there's no point of going. 

I went to the kitchen and after eating my breakfast with Bella , I went to the living room and picked up the telephone. .after a few moments {hi, Richard speaking} {hey Rich, it's Prudence, how are you?} {I'm just fine, yourself? }

{ah.yeah just fine...well we are} I couldn't find the words to tell him

{you are what?}

{er..bored..can you meet me at the park today? } I couldn't tell him that over the telephone

{yeah sure, 3 is alright with you? } I told him yes and I was about to hang up

{ Prudes, are you sure you are alright? }

{you'll know everything at the park} I said and he just said okay then we hung up.

It's 1 so what am I going to do in these hours.. I got out a paper and a pen .at first I didn't know what I'm doing but then I started writing while my tears were annoying me by falling on my soon to be letter.

{Hey Paul, John and George 

I'm writing you all this letter which may be the last one you'd receive from me. I have to move to America because that freaking Gerrard has some work to do there.

I never lost hope that we might meet again whenever you return from Hamburg but now...I don't know. I don't even know how long we're staying there. I don't know what my address their is going to be neither so I can't inform you of it.

I just wish that you guys don't forget me because I know I never will. I'll miss you a lot...hell I even miss you now.

PS Paul I'll be a good girl like I promised and I'll always love you my friend. Take good care of yourself.

PPS John my bad boy, Promise to be good to your true lover when you find it you naughty boy.

PPPS Georgie I'm sorry I can't send you cookies but I'll always remember you whenever I eat them and other food that we both like.

And so farewell friends. Thus my letter ends. adieu -Love, Prudence }

I finished the letter and noticed how my tears stained the paper so I tried to fix it. 

then I put my paper in an envelope and went to put in the mailbox. 

I did so and then I found Ann standing at the other end of the road with Devin so I walked up to her with a half hearted smile.

"hey Anna!...Devin" I greeted them

"oh hi Prudence! I was just on my way to your home" Ann said

"Bella told me that you're going to leave so I'm going to spend the whole day with you my girls" she said trying to be cheery ,so soon we said our goodbyes to Devin and entered home.

Me, Bells and Anna had a great time.Anna even helped us with packing so finally packing was fun and easy.

We even had a clothes fight and soon enough it was 2:45 so I ran through the pile of clothes on the ground and found nothing good except for a pink dress and ugh I hate pink.

I'm not into girly things and I don't think it suits me anyways.

I got dressed and rushed downstairs , said my goodbyes to Bella and Annie on my way then ran to the bus stop.  

After a long ride , I finally reached the park. I saw Rich standing there watching the buses. I got off the bus, ran up to him and gave him a hug that lasted more than normal...after breaking a part his eyes were full of inquiry so I spoke up

"um let's take a walk around. .?" I said and he nodded so we started walking

"Tell me now what's going on" Rich demanded

"ugh can I tell you later?"


"fineeee well Rich, we are going to leave Liverpool." I said and watched as his eyes grew wider

"what do you mean by you're leaving? you mean a holiday or visiting family or somewhat?" he asked but I shook my head

"we have to go to America, Gerrard has some work there.." After I finished , silence took over but soon he broke it


"tomorrow morning" he then took my hand and started running

"where are we going ??!" I asked

"Just ruun and let's hope it rains ,I got used to it"  he said and we laughed while running.

Later after some running "here we are!" he exclaimed

"where are we?" I asked

"Rory's home! You've never hung out with us nor heard me playing the drums!" he explained

"I can even let you try playing me drums ...I don't let anyone touch it you know?" he said, I grinned at him and gave him a hug so he hugged me back and I don't know why but some tears skipped my eyes. He pulled away

"hey now! don't cry love , It's alright we are going to make today unforgetable okay?" he said while wiping my tears away with his thumb

"and I know we are going to meet again" he continued with a smile and so I nodded and smiled back at him.ah Rich is so sweet.

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