Chapter 24~ I've got a feeling

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Bella woke me up around 10 and brought us something to eat then we got dressed. 

I put on a brown skirt with a white blouse to match it and made my blond hair into a side braid while Bells wore a pink dress and let her hair loose.. she's just a lovely doll which explains how she gets all the boys twisted around her finger ,waiting for just a sign from her.

Enough with admiring Bella, We started walking to the bus stop and after a short ride..which wasn't so short but we were enjoying walking in the streets of Liverpool again.

Soon enough we reached Richard's home.I was the one to knock...and waited. after a minute or so his mum opened

"Hello Mrs.Starkey, how have you been?" I greeted her and so did Bella

"Prudence! Bella! long time no see my girls! when did you come back?" she asked with a great warm smile

"Just 2 days ago and sadly we are not going to stay for long..we have to leave tomorrow night. " Bella told her

"aw I wanted to spend some time with you girls, well where are my manners? come on in! you can wake Ritchie up , and sadly I have to leave for work." She bade us farewell and we went inside...running upstairs to Richard's room


which made poor Richard fall off bed and his eyes opening with shock and rushing to stand on his feet as to see what's the emergency but when he saw us , all his very fast actions stopped and he just froze in his place for a while...silence took over but I couldn't keep my laughter in anymore and soon Bella joined in with the giggling and so did Richard and he turned around and took a pillow off the bed and started hitting us with it and soon a big pillow fight started and I ran downstairs from them and suddenly I heard a big BAANG.  

I ran back to the room afraid someone might have got hurt but then I burst out in laughter!

Bella and Richard were rolled inside the bed cover on the floor with Bella's hands hanging with a pillow and every time they try to stand up they end up falling on each other on the floor again! I couldn't stop laughing and they couldn't stop blushing neither!

" did you end up..LIKE THAT! you naughty kids!" I said in between laughter

"Are you enjoying yourself miss prudence? will you stop laughing and help us ?" Bella demanded in a fake angry tone but soon she continued with the laughing

"SURE ! I'm Jim Dandy!" I cried in between laughter

"Well Jim Dandy you've got to rescure us !" Ringo said laughing so I helped them up and out of the coiled bed cover anyways.

when we went downstairs and our laughing fits had ended

"I've missed you very much kids! ahh I haven't laughed like this for a while ! but you didn't tell me what's the reason behind this sudden visit yet !!" Rich spoke with a big grin and so we told him about our holiday and how it's not long enough and we are leaving tomorrow

"oh..I thought you were back for good this time.." he said and his smile disappeared but Bella raised his chin with her fingers

"hey! save the sadness for later! now we are going to have a good time!" she told him and he cheered a bit but then I spoke up

"but hey ! how come you are this sad that we are leaving soon but you had stopped writing to us!" I watched as Rich's eyes widened

"what? I am the one who wrote a bunch of letters to you two and got no reply" he said and I was shocked and so was Bella

"but how come we received nothing! are you sure you had the right address?" Bella asked and he nodded.

Then it hit me. I remember I saw my mum once with a paper or an envelope in her hand and when she saw me entering the room she shredded it quickly and tossed it in the basket. wow...could it be her? but why would she do that? oh how I wish I am mistaken.  

I didn't notice how long I've been quiet but I was brought back to reality by Bella's clapping right in front of my face "what are you thinking of?" she inquired but I just shook my head..nothing.

"well let's go out ! we are not going to spend the whole day here" Rich said breaking Bella's guesses about what I might had been thinking of.  

we waited for him to get dressed then went outside in front of the door "so what are we going to do then? how are we going to spend the day?" I asked. 

and not after so long Bella's face lit up, you could almost see a bulb lighten over her head when she found an idea! "We're going to go to the ice rink! and we'll stop by Anna's home in the way and take her with us!" She said with excitement!

"er..skating? I'm afraid I can't skate..." Rich said sadly "plus I don't want to fall on me bum!" we laughed

"We're going to teach you then! it's easy don't worry!" I said but I was quickly cut by Bella

"I won't let you fall or harm yourself , don't worry you have got two professionals!!" she assured him

"that's exactly what I'm afraid of!!"  we laughed and started walking to Anna's home since it's not so far from Rich's .

We got to her house and knocked. When she opened the door she squeaked and hugged us both at the same time

"Oh my god! I miss miss miss you girls! It's been a long time !" she took a pause to take her breath

"and why didn't you write back to me! I'm mad at you !!" she said and tried to act like she was angry with us but we tackled her so she surrendered and phew she forgot that we didn't tell her a reason for not writing back...I didn't really know what I was going to tell her.

we then headed to the ice rink which was in town so we took a bus.  

And we finally arrived there! I was so excited ! I haven't been skating for a while ! I wonder if I had forgotten how to balance myself already! but when we entered the rink after taking some fitting skates. I found out that I was totally wrong! I'm still as good as ever !

"THISSSS ISSSS A GREAAAAAT FEEEELING! I FEEEEEL ALIVEEE !!" I said excitedly at the top of my lungs while skating around and going in circles and spirals ! then I noticed how Anna and Bella were struggling to get Rich into the rink so I went to them and took one of his arms and signaled for Bella to take the other and we started skating slowly and pulling him with us and explaining how to move his legs.

After a while he was finally able to skate on his own I thought so I let go of his arm and watched as his eyes widened from worry and his hand tightened on Bella's arm but he skate quite good with her and they were enjoying my time just as much as I am.

If food cheers me up, believe me skating , drawing and music cheer me up even more !

Speaking of food. After a couple of hours we were tired so we left and went to me and Richard's favourite restaurant and had dinner. It was definitely delicious. 

Today can't be any better.

but I was wrong after this great meal, we went to the Cavern and oh my, nothing's changed ! except for the missing five boys' music that was rocking the whole place ! This thought made me sadden a bit and the fact that they might had been sending us letters but mum ruined them made it worse.  

but I shrugged it away and went to the dance floor to dance with the girls and Richard and I tell you he is some unique dancer ! It was so much fun we laughed our heads off and it was so sweet how Rich and Bella danced together when a slow song came up.

After some more hours of dancing, singing and jerking around we had to go home since it was getting late.  

I wish we still had our home then Anna or even Rich would have been able to stay the night with us but sadly they can't.

I was so tired I don't know how I managed to get to our room but all I know is I fell asleep immediately.

Step inside love (The Beatles Fan fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя