Chapter 27~ Ain't she sweet

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I woke up so early which was weird. .but I guess I just didn't get use to this place yet. Then I remembered the most annoying thing about this hotel...the rooms don't have bathrooms, there's only two bathrooms in the end of each hall for the residents of that floor.  

but I was lucky enough that there's no other residents in this floor so I can use the bathroom freely.  

I got out of bed and took my towel and some clean clothes then went to the bathroom. I didn't bother to change my pajamas since there was no one staying in this floor. 

I took a nice shower and got dressed into a pair of dark jeans with a white blouse then I went over to the mirror and I notice the absence of my favourite silver bracelet and my now to be a scar on my cheek from mum's ring. I ignore it and rinse my hair then comb and straight it. I put it in a simple bun then I leave my dirty clothes where I should put them to be cleaned. then I go downstairs to leave this small unknown hotel and find somewhere to have breakfast.  

but a lady's voice called my name just when I was at the end of the stairway

"Miss Bradford?" I turned to the voice's direction

"Yes? " I say as I now recognise the lady to be the hotel's owner and the one who took little money for the room from me yesterday.

"Good morning sweet heart, I don't want to sound nosy or anything but where are you going this early? It's 8 "  said Mrs. Pross as I now remember her name

"Good morning to you too Mrs. Pross. I'm just going to look for any place to have my breakfast at" I explained

"oh! there's no need to look for a place to eat! You can have breakfast with me!" she offered but I refused

"Noo thanks for your generosity but you-" but she cut me

"don't say that darling, you won't leave an old woman like me eat all alone by herself right?" she insisted and I shook my head and thanked her very much. 

She made us such delicious omelettes with fresh Apple juice. we started eating then she spoke up

"soo um I've been wondering why a pretty girl like you would stay here all by herself? It's okay if you don't want to tell's just dangerous to be alone in this area."

"ah, I don't even know which part I am in New York..this is just where my feet had brought me to.." I paused to see her eyes full of questions so I continued

"after my mum had out after a fight we had together.." I finished and I saw her eyes to be now full of pity and sorrow

"aw I'm sorry, ahh..this is indeed a one strange world some people kick their children while the others wish their children cared for them... I had 3 boys whom left me when they grew up since they had their own jobs, wives and lives.." she paused and sighed

"I miss them, I wish they'd ask about me and visit me sometimes.." she finished with a few tears escaping from her eyes I stood up and rubbed her back

"I'm sorry about that. I know they'll come back one day, they can't forget about a kind caring mother like you are" I soothed her and to my surprise she got up and gave me a hug..a very kind warm hug that I really needed. I hugged her back and forced back my tears.

"so what are you going to do then honey? you have a job? you have any other siblings or friends whom can help you?" she spammed me with questions that I had never forgotten

"erm the answer for all of these questions is no" I said with a stupid fake smile

"well I was searching for a fine-looking lady to work as a receptionist so that I have time to cook meals for the residents since there isn't any restaurants nearby" A big grin appeared on my face

"would you like that job?It gives a fine payment I tell you"

"yes! of course ! thank you very much. It means alot to me! you're so kind! " I exclaimed

"well enough with the flattery, let me show you around and introduce you to the other few workers" she said, I nodded and followed her.

she showed me the big kitchen which had everything and it was really clean unlike what I had expected then she explained for me how the numbering of the rooms go and some few basic rules then she introduced me to Rita who is in charge of the cleaning and to Jude the doorman and the bags lifter both of whom seemed nice.

Mrs.Pross told me that a black skirt with a white blouse would be good enough to wear. I spent the whole day with her as a training..but soon enough she'd let me handle some things by myself.  

It wasn't a very easy job as you have to always smile at the people and always to be nice and patient.

That's exactly how the rest of my week went, I didn't leave the hotel alot except in the afternoon the only safe time..also I only wrote to Richard since I didn't remember the addresses of the boys in hamburg nor George's which made me very sad. I became even closer to Richard since he was the only friend that I got and he was also the connection between me and Bella sometimes when mum would let her to send him a letter. Me and Rita also became good friends.

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