Chapter 13~ Do you want to know a secret?

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I woke up with mixed feelings. I'm sad but happy, angry but relieved. I don't know. 

I went downstairs it was Saturday so there's no school today,I noticed Bella eating so I brought cereal and sat with her on the kitchen's table.

"Good morning for you too" Bella broke the silence,I smiled "sorry I'm tired" and explained

"so you're not coming with me and Ann to the shops then" she teased, I gasped dramatically

"you know I love shopping! you won't go without me, will you?" I acted like I was crying which made Bella laugh

"You never cry!" she stated and I continued my failing act

"finee finee but don't try to cry again YOU FAIL" she said in between laughter ,I pulled my tongue out at her and raced her upstairs to get dressed.

I got myself into a baby blue dress and put my hair in a pony tail, went downstairs and found Bella waiting for me in a pink dress.  

As we opened the door, ugh the phone rang so I ran back to it {YES! how can I help you?!} I spoke up {er..I'm sorry if I am bothering you, May I speak to prudence?} A guy spoke on the other line with a liverpudlian accent that was easy to recognise {Hey Rich, It's me Prudence! } I could imagine the smile on his face { Did I call in a wrong timing?} {No, It's fine really} Clarabella rolled her eyes at my words and I motioned for her to stay quiet { I..was wondering if you'd like to meet me at the park today?} { sure I'd like that! when?} { Is 4 alright with you? I can pick you up if you want} { No it's alright, okay I'll meet you there at 4, bye} I hanged up and ran back to the door where Bella was still waiting

"finally!...the shops are about to close down" she teased  

"who was it?" she asked as we started walking to the bus stop

"Um Richard..A new friend of mines, you nosy" we got on the bus and soon we reached Anna's home and to our shock she was sick so we stayed at home with her.

To be honest I was kind of happy that we didn't go to the shops, I don't want to make Richard wait for me for a long time alone at the park. 

and sitting in Anna's room wasn't very boring 

"PRUDENCE!" Anna was yelling my name

"WHAT! I'm standing right in front of you! There's no need to yell" I cried back which made Bella and Ann laugh hysterically

"what's going on with you two?" I said seriously but their laughter continued then Anna finally spoke up coughing hardly but still laughing

"you were daydreaming miss, we've been talking to you for an hour" they laughed at me again so I picked a pillow up and hit them both

"So won't you tell us about your secret lover yet?" Anna asked "well beside Paulie" Bella corrected her.

"won't you tell us about yours first Anna? and explain why you don't hang out with us alot anymoreand always sticking to him?" I teased her and I could see her face getting red.

there was a long silence before she spoke...

"I don't even know, Devin is so nice and caring. He's always there for me..I thought he was my best friend at first but I don't know anymore...

I mean I love John and all but he used to ignore me and I saw him flirt with a lot and even kiss couple of "their fans" before but when I'd confront him, He'd deny that and speak about how the band needs fans to grow up...I tried to cooperate with that and I did until Devin came by... BUT PROMISE TO KEEP THIS A SECRET" 

Anna finished her speech and I could see tears filling her eyes. I was shocked actually..I didn't know what to tell her but Bella spoke

"you can't have them both Annie" she told her and Ann just nodded then we promised to keep her secret and stayed quiet.  

We tried to cheer her up though so we put on some music ,danced like lunatics and she soon joined in and we had fun.

Later I checked the time and it was 3 o'clock

"Aye, I better get going" I said as I was combing my hair in front of the mirror, Bella and Anna were behind me I saw them looking at each other laughing then turned back to me

"YOU HAVE A DATE!" They said together at the same voice

"SHH ! I don't think it is a date, I'm just meeting him at the park, nothing more okay?" I found my white shoes and got in them then said my goodbyes and left before they said any other silly comments.  

I got on a bus and I was on my way to the park.

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